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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. Are gatherings “public” if on private property, Jerry? not even Gouk is defending you
  2. Public Gatherings: In Phase Two of the regional reopening, non-essential public gatherings are only permitted if 10 or less people are in attendance. Gatherings of up to 25 people are allowed in Phase Three. Social Gatherings of 50 People and indoor religious gatherings at 33 Percent capacity are allowed in Phase Four. Check to see what phase your region is in. guess which phase NYC was in during the Floyd protests?
  3. You won’t even get a response they literally made forum rules around you
  4. How about Newyork.gov? Dated: 6/15 - Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today announced gatherings of up to 25 people will be allowed in Phase Three of reopening, up from the limit of 10. https://www.governor.ny.gov/news/governor-cuomo-announces-gatherings-25-people-will-be-allowed-phase-three-reopening-0 you don’t even know your own state jesus bro, admit defeat and stop derailing the thread.
  5. you’re like a battered wife. you’re wrong, again. They allowed it, but is still broke the violation. Hence the reason my post in that thread said america is far from facist. oh well, I owned you enough times so what’s one more. ..
  6. Then you should have been banned, multiple times. Posting videos claiming it’s when men when it’s not, claiming NYCs protests weren’t held illegally.
  7. LMFAO this speech was a complete troll. She did it ALL with a straight face, what a G. Reminded me of posts on SW
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