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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. It was a direct response to liquid’s claim. No one is even taking to you. You’ve already been demolished, any further attempts to save face will be laughed at and ignored. Try again tomorrow, Jerry.
  2. They were involved (orchestrated) in simple gatherings of 10+ people, which was not allowed at the time. (Do you need me to prove you wrong, again?)
  3. How many examples would you like to see of Jerry complaining to the mods? 1? 5? 10? glad you decided to join the party. You Gouk and Jerry are the three stooges of SW. battered wife syndrome and all
  4. There isn’t anything else to discuss, with you. You were proven wrong too many times and latched on to Gouk, who in turn, got owned too. Now I’ll just own him, as you have nothing left to argue about.
  5. They were involved in people gathering in groups of 10+. That is exactly what she was arrested for.
  6. A simple acknowledgment of the fact that she did the same as BLM, but was punished from a govt, despite ours being apparently “facist”. It had nothing to with a mask or not in her case - it was simply due to there being a gathering. Read the warrant, fool. @Goukosan
  7. No - I was saying that AU is a lot more strict than we are. Regardless, she was trying to illegal protest.. which was exactly what Blmantifa organized.
  8. I’m not talking about curfew, and neither were you or Jerry until you just brought it up..... after I proved you wrong. Gathering in public with 10+ people, mask or not, was illegal in NYC during the George Floyd protests.
  9. I literally JUST proved you wrong. You have no links. Sure - there was curfew. That’s not what we are talking about, though. You were not allowed to legally gather in groups of 10+ during the George Floyd protests. Supporting the OP video means you support Blmantifa leaders being arrested, or you’re a hypocrite. Both planned protests illegally. Simple as that.
  10. In an unexpected executive order issued Friday night, Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo of New York slightly loosened coronavirus restrictions, saying that gatherings of up to 10 people would be allowed “for any lawful purpose or reason” anywhere in the state — including New York City — provided that social-distance protocols were followed. Cuomo issued the order after the New York Civil Liberties Union filed a suit that objected to Mr. Cuomo’s order on Thursday allowing groups of 10 people or less to gather for religious services or for Memorial Day celebrations. Mr. Cuomo’s order on Friday ni
  11. All gatherings.. of 10 or less people https://www.nytimes.com/2020/05/23/nyregion/coronavirus-new-york-update.html why are you and Jerry so easy to own?
  12. Oh wait, NICE try. It was to ALLOW groups of 10 for ANY REASON (not just relgious) Cuomo issued the order after the New York Civil Liberties Union filed a suit that objected to Mr. Cuomo’s order on Thursday allowing groups of 10 people or less to gather for religious services or for Memorial Day celebrations. Mr. Cuomo’s order on Friday night modified the previous order. you thought you were slick
  13. Public Gatherings: In Phase Two of the regional reopening, non-essential public gatherings are only permitted if 10 or less people are in attendance. Gatherings of up to 25 people are allowed in Phase Three. Social Gatherings of 50 People and indoor religious gatherings at 33 Percent capacity are allowed in Phase Four. Check to see what phase your region is in. Which phase was NYC in during early June, Gouk?
  14. https://www.governor.ny.gov/news/governor-cuomo-announces-gatherings-25-people-will-be-allowed-phase-three-reopening-0 June 15th Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today announced gatherings of up to 25 people will be allowed in Phase Three of reopening, up from the limit of 10. didn’t see any social distancing going on in those pictures.
  15. That’s fine an dandy, but there were many moments of not marching and simply... gathering. Just like the planned protest to sit outside of the Trump hotel.
  16. This was planned, at a specific time, with thousands marking that they were going through a Facebook event. all while gatherings of 10+ were prohibited. The time, date, and amount of expected people was viewable before the event occurred. per your logic, the organizers should be arrested, and everyone should have been cited.
  17. There were several planned protests in specific spots NYC. The Brooklyn Bridge, for example.
  18. It doesn’t matter what the intent was. It’s a gathering of 10+ people. Should they all receive citations?
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