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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. No I know that, but I didn’t know it was being announced this week
  2. At least they don’t have the worst name - Washington Football team.
  3. Somewhere in here is a TCHBO, but backwards capability is worthless anyway. https://bgr.com/2020/08/31/ps5-backward-compatible-ps3-ps2-ps1-games-no/
  4. You just tried to show that police disproportionately target black people by showing a video of a black man fighting with cops, stealing their gun, and shooting them
  5. He committed several crimes before the cop killed him. I just went through, all of them. Now you see why he was shot, I’m glad.
  6. The second one a guy steals the gun and starts shooting at cops WHAT THE FUCK
  7. I’m doing exactly what you’re doing. Want to pick one, and I’ll own you using just that?? what is it? Raw numbers, or ratio?
  8. I watched 10 seconds of the first one. Dude had liquor on his floorboard, didn’t have his license, shut the door when the cop asked him to get out, and attempted to speed away. yeah, I’d say that’s not a “normal traffic stop”. Again, should have never got to that point and the cop should be charged here, but what if this dude was hammered (no idea if he was or not) but he could have easily went driving and killed a family of 4. again, bad cop, made worse by a shitty individual who simply resisted what the officer was asking for.
  9. You are combining ratios and raw numbers. You lose either way. Whites are murdered by police more, and blacks, on average, are likely to commit 2.3x as much crime. You’ve lost all 3 hands you’ve attempted, now.
  10. No, a lot of these killings don’t happen in normal traffic stop. floyd and Blake were both resisting arrested. Their deaths were 100% avoidable if they simply didn’t resist arrest. should it have happened? No, and I want better training. But it’s as simple as cause and effect, a concept 3 year olds can grasp.
  11. Blacks are 2x as likely to commit a crime, and violent ones at that. Blacks represent 50% of murders, which is why they’re like shot (although still less than white people) sometimes. play dumb games, win stupid prices my friend. only disproportionated stat is the 2.3x likelihood that a black person has committed a crime.
  12. Are you saying j walking should warrant the same response as murder? either way, blacks will be doing both of those things 30% of the time despite being 13% of the population talk about disproportionate!
  13. I can’t keep up i have heard of 4chan what is 8chan? Wasn’t there a 9gauge or something at one point
  14. Because chances are, a black person is 2.3x as likely to be committing a crime when compared to a white person. Additionally, blacks rob and murder more, which causes them to be in situations where police would have to use physical force. again, nothing disproportionate except how often black people commit crime, really.
  15. Whites have been killed 2x as many times as black people this year. again, similar, not disproportionate at all.
  16. Actually, I’m glad you brought up 71%... whites make up 71% of the USA. but blacks make up 13% and account for the other 29% of crime.. hmmm ONE is disproportionate alright.
  17. If whites committed at the same rate, there’d be 16 million white offenders.
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