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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. Which also means blacks commit 30% of the crimes in the country, despite being 13% of the population now THAT is disproportionate
  2. What crimes am I omitting? I’m using the numbers you posted, of ALL crime. Blacks commit 30%.
  3. Because they’re doing a violent crime. (Ie murder or robbery) pretty simple there, pal.
  4. No. Including ALL crimes, blacks represent 30% of the countries crime.
  5. All crime? Black people are 2.3x more likely to commit a crime. We’ve already been through this, Jerry. And looking at raw numbers, blacks commit 30% of the nations crime. That’s over double their population percentage.
  6. I don’t need to, because blacks commit it at a much higher ratio.
  7. 13% of the population commits 30% of all crime, and 50% of murders and robberies. Nothing disproportionate about it at all, except how much crime black people commit compared to other races.
  8. No. I’m taking violent crime. And blacks represent 50% of it, which is why police look at them
  9. Because they are 2.3x likely to commit a crime. We’ve been through this, multiple times now.
  10. White people are also killed by police at a 2:1 rate. Your argument falls apart the more you post LOL
  11. 250 million whites.. 5k murders in 2019 44 million blacks.. 6k murders in 2019 and that’s all folks!
  12. 250 million whites committed 7million crimes. 44 million black people committed almost 3 million no wonder jerry is all over the place LOL
  13. Because blacks are 2.3x more likely to commit a crime, and 50% of all murders come from black people.
  14. And white people are shot more by police than blacks. period.
  15. If white people committed the same amount of crime was blacks people there’d be 16,000,000 white criminals last year.
  16. Now you’re looking at raw numbers. If you look at raw numbers, white people are shot more by police than black people. you lose whether you try ratio or raw numbers. There’s no where for you to go. if you want to use ratio, black people on average have a higher ratio of crime.
  17. I mean it’s not really that unbelievable. It happens daily... lol
  18. There have been plenty of times i evaded police. I was doing something wrong in every one. I never fought them, though.
  19. I was doing something wrong. Lol. hence the reason I didn’t stop. I accepted my fate of what could have happened.
  20. why would you have an issue with it if you weren’t doing anything wrong? I sure wouldn’t. Giving him my ID and where I’m going is a much faster process than the alternative. It takes 30 seconds. id rather live in a community that occasionally does that (to all races) than one that never does.
  21. If I had nothing to hide I would have no problem with showing that information.
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