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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. Already confirmed to be on Gamepass. which is exactly how you’ll play it.
  2. Why do you have a PS5 then? LOL just stick to your ancient PS4 and it’s outdated ass games.
  3. It’s literally talking about ENEMY animation. there is another characters animation that’s important. maybe the main characters.
  4. He won’t even respond to me now he can’t, after he was forced to apologize and show how his fat ass can’t even leave the house
  5. Lardass’s fat is trapping his brain, he doesn’t even know what to say at this point
  6. every single thing. do you not think game development has progressed since it’s been made? Not including the graphics…. outdated level design outdated animations outdated sound outdated input response Gameplay in general is less fluid/polished every single thing about it. Nothing about it is modern. It’s a product of its time, and that is a time I have no desire to revisit. same reason I don’t go back and play n64 games.
  7. Look at this fat pussy too scared to meet face to face. Probably afraid I’ll steal his food lmfao
  8. He actually doesn’t know bu bu my mommy said I’m a pretty boy
  9. So let’s hear it. Why haven’t you ever had a girlfriend?
  10. I win any time you post and dont confirm you’re meeting to get your ass beat. keep hiding, lard ass
  11. Not even close. if you asked anyone with half a brain to play both for the first time, BBs age would instantly show.
  12. He does look much, much better than you. How else can you explain why you haven’t had a girlfriend in your life?
  13. They’re literally following MS footsteps. It’s hilarious Cows think MS isn’t leading Sony. Next up, they’ll put their games on MS and Nintendo consoles. by the end of next gen. Will bump when it’s announce
  14. They can’t respond so they continue to play make believe in their heads, LMAO!!!!
  15. Last time I checked new games are being released for switch ones that I didn’t play 10+ years ago that are just plain outdated by 2024 standards also, bloodborne sucks ass in 2024. Nearly unplayable. Action games that require timing at 20fps Shitty looking animations, you name it. The game sucks. You literally could not pay me enough money to sit through and play it in 2024, lmfao.
  16. Those were AAA games 10 years ago. Now they’re nothing more than old, outdated garbage
  17. He just completely avoided responding to us lmfao
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