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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. Are you blind? It looks half the resolution with half the detail in textures. Some things are completely missing. There’s no reflection on the water .. “improved” lmfao
  2. this isn’t in the political Board, and he attacked me first anyway. Stay in your lane
  3. turns out he’s not handcuffed, but rather his leg shackled. Probably something to due to the multiple felonies...
  4. 100% flames no ceilings just re-released on streaming platforms
  5. He was never there to “break up a fight”. The cops were literally called on him because he sexually assaulted her and wasn’t supposed to be there. He even tried stealing her car, again.
  6. Or, if you don’t defense rapists, you’d see the cops did what was jusitifable in many regards. It could have been handled better but when someone is brandishing a knife I’m sure you don’t have many options (other than trying to take them down and taze him, which they tried) Just a few months ago he broke into his exes house, raped her, stole her keys and money. and guess what happened this time? She called the police AGAIN because he was there when he wasn’t supposed to be, stole her keys again, and was likely going to rape her again. let’s look at the 911 call fr
  7. This isn’t bait or race bait. Let’s look at the facts. Blake raped his ex girlfriend, stole Her car, and $1000 in May. She then had a restraining order against him he Showed up again, and she called the police. He tried to steal her car. cops came, Blake wrestled with them, was tased twice, and had a knife in his hand Blake then attempted to steal his ex gfs car (again) with the children inside. The children live with their mother ”say his name” how about say his charges? sexual assault resisting arrest domestic violence
  8. Looks like any other Star Wars flying shooting game ever made
  9. I’m just imagining a super uninspired, bland, barren world with the same objectives scattered throughout. The scope was halo 4 & 5 combined, but both were tiny linear games in comparison to open world. It’s probably only the size of gta4 lolz. the real killer were just those awful looking cement pillars, like it looked like a fucking glitch lmfao
  10. wow, talk about petty. And this is who the left champions? https://www.politico.com/news/2020/08/27/pelosi-says-democrats-will-release-trumps-tax-returns-if-they-win-white-house-403698 in the middle of a pandemic, this would be their first action of business. ..
  11. Kenosha police chief says deadly shooting wouldn't have happened if people weren't out after curfew what a headline by cnn. But it’s true
  12. https://heavy.com/news/2020/08/kyle-rittenhouse/ great article, but yeah no white supremacy shit. Lol both sides lie so much.
  13. haven’t seen this posted yet. Not sure how much I buy into the tweet as I haven’t seen any screen caps of his posts.
  14. I don’t think the video is needed to show intent. But we don’t know what happened. I’m assuming he got into an argument over having the weapon in the first place.
  15. I don’t know if he was bragging about killing people. He actually said he was there as a medic. But either way, he showed up, with a gun, illegally, and SHOULD NEVER HAVE BEEN THERE.
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