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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. See this is where I’m hung up. I don’t know if one would cancel the other out or not. It really all depends on how this started I guess.
  2. Big Pharma is the real reason it won’t happen tho, not the cartel
  3. You don’t have to convince me bro I’m totally for it lol. It’s the only way that makes sense
  4. He had a gun illegally he Was from out of state, presumably trespassing on the property to begin with those are the only two things I can think of
  5. it’s bizarre and most people will raise and eye brow and legalizing heroin but really what other option is there.
  6. Well I think he does. If I murder someone and you see it, you are not allowed to murder me.. I could defend (and end up killing you) and be fine. But I’d still be charged with murder for the first killing.
  7. It isn’t. It’s totally fine. But not with a gun if it’s illegal for you to possess.
  8. I don’t know either way, I’m saying I’ll leave it up to the jury. He had intent as he came, but he (may) have self defended. Does one cancel the other out? im saying I don’t know, just trying to say how i see it.
  9. He intentionally brought a gun with the motive to “protect” while not legally being able to carry a gun. This is different than little tommy shooting Bobby the burglar with his dads shot gun while there may have been set defense there was also intent there by even being there with a gun “to protect”
  10. I have a few things w self defense. He could possibly get it and just have a simple illegal firearm charge. But at the same time, he should have never been there with a gun. From the pre shooting interview we knew his intent was to protect businesses (fine) with a gun (fine) but he can’t have a gun to begin with
  11. It’s true, though. Self defense or not it was illegal for him to have a fire arm really
  12. This has been my stance since I can remember. Tax it, validate its authenticity, and regulate it. it was always easier to get pot vs beer in high school, and the same goes for really any illegal drug, so I mean that alone speaks volumes any crime committed on said drug is a full violation still and there is no “bu bu I was” excuse
  13. Yeah for once I agree with Jerry, this dude should have NEVER been there and if so, definitely not with a gun. Where tf are the parents with this one, Jesus.
  14. That little white girl turned man (assuming here) is the one saying “shoot me, n*gga” over and over. She then got shot in the face
  15. USA Today lol too? https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2020/08/25/jacob-blake-kenosha-police-shot-black-man-minutes-after-arriving/3438802001/
  16. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/jacob-blake-kenosha-shooting-wisconsin-police-black-man-protesters-gather/ “CBS lol.” Too?
  17. I mean he’s reporting the 911 call. He’s not the only one to report it... just someone who made it readable in under 160 characters
  18. New info trickling in: so uh, yeah this is probably the reason they didn’t just “let him drive away” as some have said they should have ITT
  19. Notice how the SW antifa won’t answer your questions but simply answer them with other questions about something else? Funny isn’t it? Lol
  20. The disease was spread in america way before we knew about it. December, January, etc.
  21. Honestly bro I don’t know how you stop the spread without shutting down boarders (they’d have to be closed from February and still do this day) but also state and local town boroughs. It had to be complete fucking lockdown for who knows how long. I’m sure he... nor any president would ever want to or even think about doing such a thing. It’s insanity but I don’t see how else to combat the spread
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