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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. That’s nice but that’s another subject entirely. The economy would have flopped no matter what because at best all Trump could have done was completely shut down the country for months. and that was the point you were trying to make. That covid caused an economic crash. Well, no shit lol
  2. Lol. Okay then. Everywhere in the world is suffering. If trump handled it amazingly the economy would still have declined.
  3. Entire report (via Twitter, so take that for what you will) is documented here: Click the tweet to see more info
  4. True it’s not like we’re in the worst pandemic in 100 years or anything. Lol
  5. From what I’m reading they were defending a car dealership that was about to be burned.
  6. the white dude at the very end (bottom video) “shoot me, n word!” Holy fuck WTF edit: he got shot in the head a little later. Welp guess he got what he wanted, Jesus. I’m wondering if this is a female to male trans person tho, sure seems like it. Must also identify as black
  7. You don’t even know his name. Lol. John Blake. have a fun night posting, you proved right there you know nothing.
  8. Yikes, it’s like you don’t even know what you type. as I said, you now agree with me here. We can now move on.
  9. No.. you, you said they were coming in to investigate THEIR misconduct. Like it’s factual that there was some. Now you’re back pedaling claiming they’re just there to simply investigate, which I said from the beginning. Glad we agree and you decided to backtrack, now we can move on.
  10. Again, your link doesn’t say he’s calling on them to investigate misconduct. It’s alleged misconduct, meaning he doesn’t know. ....again.
  11. Well, they called on the feds to search for possible misconduct per your source. what we do know: he wrestled with cops he was tazed, but got free officers thought he might have a weapon he went to his car, and reached it and got shot it is literally impossible to come to a conclusion based on this, but I’m not surprised you already have.
  12. The warrant and sexual assault case were the reason for this arrest in the first place, apparently... still waiting to hear more on that, though.
  13. Appreciate the clean up. This is all I’m interested in as well, guess we will find out soon. Either way, I’m assuming Blake is going to jail for sexual assault? I’m just curious why everything about the case is sooooo hush hush at the moment. Can’t help but feel for the kids.
  14. You should probably clean the thread up. Jerry is clearly trying to do merry go round posting... failing, but still trying his hardest.
  15. That’s fine, I don’t care, but at least there’s a shit ton of music to listen to.
  16. Yeah well That amazing album is dated af and he’s never made anything close to it since so hold on to your 30 year old album, how many times have you listened to it now? 50,000,000? Lmfao would you rather have 500 AAEs or one AAAE
  17. How would you be able to tell? The video is clearly recorded on a Samsung device, blurry af.
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