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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. Even still, it’s not even worth the power trade off. Games would look significantly better being native 1440p or 1080p. Then we’d see a real next gen.
  2. 4K is honestly a gimmick there’s no noticeable jump from 1440 to 4K imo
  3. I don’t believe it will do 4K but that’s be pretty wild. That sounds fairly beefy tho
  4. Or, it looks like Epic flat out broke a TOS after signing it and will be required to do as Apple says if they want fortnite back on the App Store.
  5. It didn’t mention any new hardware outside of interactivity and a new screen...
  6. We shouldn’t be locking this thread. This is the biggest topic in gaming, and was completely fine until jerry entered it. Just remove the posts he and I made and I won’t even respond to him, but we should definitely have a thread on this topic 

    1. -GD-X


      ok. let me clean it up. 

  7. one clarification, although it seems impossible, he’s alive and is stable (but assuringly near critical) condition
  8. It would be the smart thing to do but the game should see a 3 year delay to be remade
  9. You realize Microsoft and Epic take a cut of in app purchases, too right? You realize if you sell something on Xbox live, Microsoft takes a cut right? you realize that if you try to sell anything (game, in app purchase, etc) both MS and Epic take a cut if it’s sold from THEIR store...RIGHT??????
  10. Apple is the most valuable company in the world. Epic will lose over 20% of its profits though.
  11. So if apple wants to make a game, throw it on EGS, and refuses to pay epic their royalty... do you support apple? You realize Epic has the EXACT type of policy in place?
  12. They take a cut out of sales on their own store this is common practice are you saying fortnite is “essential business”?!?! no one is stopping epic from creating an open sourced phone OS.. except, well, they already take a cut out of everything sold in THEIR store
  13. Ummm, no. Apples TOS are the same as Epics, Microsoft’s, etc. You can’t just open another store through Xbox live or EGS you think Microsoft is going to allow EGS on XBox????? fact is, epic AGREED to a contract and are now going back on it. They deserve FUCKED to hell
  14. no shit, but you think apple didn’t see MS tweet? You can say goodbye to that shit EVER being supported now
  15. Man did epic fuck up lmfao. Fortnite earned 1.2 billion on iOS vs 10 million on Android
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