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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. The majority of people would indicate more than 50% of Americans own iPhones. But - they don’t. This fool literally doesn’t understand what 47% is. LMFAO. Either way, those Andorks with the 53% majority are poor af. Considering flagship sales don’t even equate to 1% of Samsung’s smartphone sales.. LMAO.
  2. Are these Japan sales? 17k just cannot be right LMFAO
  3. Cheaposung relying on 99$ phones to move units.. HOLY FUCK lmao!!!! here was the full year, it’s even worse Not a single flagship for 2019
  4. Do you know what majority means? It means more than 50% you idiot if 4.7/10 people own a Ferrari, most people don’t own a Ferrari
  5. Now he’s calling for back up after i already responded to gouk, and Gouk went running for the hills oh god, he still doesn’t realize those iPhones are still 3-4x more expensive than Samsung’s top sellers
  6. Cheaposung phones make even the cheapest iPhones seem expensive, cheaposung is literally GIVING phones away.. and still can’t compete as iPhones control nearly 50% of the US market
  7. The a10 is $100, the a50 is $250 and the a20 is $150 LMFAO, it’s even WORSE THAN THOUGHT oh, and guess what... the note 10 didn’t make the list for the 4th quarter
  8. He just got demolished and had to response Cheaposung, selling phones on average for under $250. The poor man’s iPhone. Jerry’s note 8 running this.. 😹
  9. Do we need to bust out the top selling phones per market again? samsung didn’t have a SINGLE FLAGSHIP within the last 5 years
  10. 50% of the population has iPhones, the other 50% average cost of smartphone is ~200-300. No Android flagships sell... anything.
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