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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. Samsung is dwindling around 23% .. big yikes, Apple is straight crushing it in the land of the free. Source If we look at the United States alone, iPhone 11 Pro has grabbed the biggest market share followed up by a surprising entry of South Koreans’ Galaxy A10e. Samsung Galaxy A20 came third, with iPhone XR and iPhone 11 Pro Max securing the fourth and fifth places, in the list, respectively. iPhone 11 Pro - $999 Samsung Galaxy A10e - $99 Galaxy A20 – $149 iPhone XR – $599 iPhone 11 Pro Max - $1,099 Average cost of to
  2. Man it would suck to be young at a time like this. Crucial years being ripped away from you. Imagine turning 21... or graduating last year.. or having years of college wasted on this bs...
  3. Microsoft desperately trying reverse psychology
  4. Well considering Crysis on Switch looks a generation above this, I’d say that’s pretty inaccurate. BOTW looks better than Halo Infinite, LOL.
  5. Actually, I do know how. Over hyping and under delivering. Jesus, XSX is DOA... 343 literally killed Microsoft, lmao. Who woulda thought MS would have one-upped the DMR reveal from last gen.
  6. Just gonna link to the thread. Too much shit to post. https://www.resetera.com/threads/massive-nintendo-data-leak-source-code-to-yoshis-island-a-link-to-the-past-f-zero-super-mario-rpg-and-more.254724/
  7. Not only that, but like the ships animations for turning just looks awful and janky
  8. You’ve never been anything but lame, pal. Go back to browsing only fans.
  9. lmao. 1- why did the grenade thing have no effect? 2- are they made of water? Lol 3- you’re alone, who is the enemy shooting at?
  10. the cloud pop in at the beginning and end of this gif made me fall off my couch lmfao
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