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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. Meh, what are you going to use it for?
  2. Whatsapp isugly as fuck and isn’t even built in. Worse by default and owned by Facebook, who’s undoubtly spying on everything you’ve ever sent
  3. You clearly have no idea what you’re talking about. 8.2% of people on Android get the same level as ios1-ios13 had, 92% have ALL apps (active or not) reading the clipboard. Ios14 takes it even further even @Goukosan backed down, I’d do the same before you join the other raped andorks
  4. As do 99% of people. iMessage is amazing, lol people like gouk, Jerry, and remij don’t have anyone to text and say texting isn’t important on a phone
  5. No - because you can do this on iOS. Either way, Google being a big culprit here makes it pretty obvious they’re stealing every single keystroke you make on your device. LOL
  6. You literally have to hook it up to a PC, download programs, and debug the device. An 18 step process that is needed to be repeated for every app... JUST TO LOSE FUNCTIONALITY lmao ps you can do this with a jailbreak if you’re willing, so you’re still wrong
  7. If you turn it off you can no longer paste in the app jumping through hoops just to LOSE functionality... on lawd Android is a mess You literally have to hook it up to a computer, download shit, and debug the device an 18 step process you’d have to do for EVERY SINGLE APP holy fuck
  8. You don’t have an option to turn off apps from viewing your clipboard data on Android and have no idea when they do it.
  9. What is old about it? Right now 92% of Android users experience this. (Non active apps reading the clipboard) they did update it with Android 10 (running on 8% of devices) to match iOS (which has been this way for years) though iOS 14 takes it way farther.
  10. Surprise surprise... Gouk busted again. So, in short - 8.2% of Android users are eligible to have privacy settings iOS has had in place since the beginning of time. 90% of Android users have clipboard data stolen from all apps running in the background at all times. 100% of iOS users currently have clipboard data used from active apps (as does Android, along with background apps or apps not even running), but Apple just implemented a notification system for when apps access the clipboard (and microphone, and camera) to promote visibility. Google has no such answe
  11. Holy shit you just owned yourself... they made it exactly how iOS has ALWAYS had it but now apple just took it FURTHER. LOL, how stupid are you???
  12. IT GETS WORSE HOLY SHIT The clipboard reading Haj Bakry and Mysk reported raises concerns that likely extend to those using Android and possibly other operating systems. Mysk said that clipboard reading in Android apps is “even worse” than iOS because the OS APIs are so much more lenient. Until version 10, for instance, Android allowed apps running in the background to read the clipboard. iOS apps, by contrast, can read or query clipboards only when active (that is, running in the foreground).
  13. Where you got your info, where it’s 1) a article comment 2) REFERRING TO GOOGLE ADS HOLY SHIT Sooo... that takes us back to our standard Android 10 feature.. with 8% of andorks being eligible for, LOL Limited access to clipboard data Unless your app is the default input method editor (IME) or is the app that currently has focus, your app cannot access clipboard data on Android 10 or higher. which means it still DOES as long as you’re using the app
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