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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. Your phones done receiving updates don’t talk with the flagship fam when Samsung doesn’t even support your device
  2. And you’re STILL online, another all nighter Lmao. Takes that long to view pages when you’re OS is from 2016
  3. All these Andorks pissed they’re stuck on Android 4.0 in 2020, lmfao
  4. Battery could last another hour easily... damn, this thing is a beast even on the iOS 14 beta
  5. Oh my god, I owned him so hard he FORGOT what just happened with the gestures. This fool is referring to fuckin air gestures and who knows what. I got him dizzy as fuck!
  6. I just proved Samsung DIRECTLY copied APPLE...and you ran out of the thread Samsung phones also don’t get updates
  7. Look at Jehu running in after getting owned LMAO what a drive by comment that was. Little do you know, stock Android can’t do it... and only stock Android gets updates
  8. Uhhh... that is a Samsung feature, not Android... which is what I said. on Android, you chose between updates or the ability to resize p-i-p
  9. Picture-in-Picture windows in Android can only be moved, and with Android 11, they will get the ability to be resized. But, there is no indication yet that an offscreen playback ability is being added to this feature, so Google taking inspiration from Apple would be a nice upgrade in this area. https://www.xda-developers.com/google-should-adopt-these-ios-14-features-for-the-next-android-os/
  10. Wait a second, androids picture in picture doesn’t even let you resize or play off screen? Apple saves the day again and LOL widgets are dead on Android, Apple is back to save them
  11. iPhone X gestures S20 gestures holy fuck
  12. He already forgot ...HE BROUGHT IT UP
  13. The S20 software is an iOS clone, LOL. What version of Android ya on, Jer? Gingerbread?
  14. It’s actually bizarre, it’s own creators don’t even support it
  15. It literally takes more effort than just swip...oh wait, Android has such poor touch input that it’s probably faster than swiping.
  16. Oh my fucking god... he BRAGGED about it
  17. He doesn’t even know the modern way Samsung phones work, that’s how old HIS phone is
  18. He doesn’t even know what I’m talking about the entire “swipe up to go home” you fuckin idiot air gestures ????? What is that, another failed gimmick samdung tried years ago that never worked out???
  19. Another “lmfao” is how Samsung (and google) 100% copied iOS to begin with... but then also completely mapped their OS around iOS gesture controls after the iPhone X
  20. Holy fuck lmao. It’s been out for almost a year
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