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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. There’s a higher percent of people on iOS 14’s beta than Android 10 lmfao
  2. Lmao I think it’s funnier dude doesn’t even own a tv. “I don’t need multiple products, I have a all-in-one computer. I also have a all-in-one house, with just one room”
  3. Apple just keeps on innovating it started the true market industry, and it’s still PAVING the way
  4. If ios14 was Android 11, the galaxy s6 would be getting it. Lmfao, but only the S9 or higher is. That’s how sad Android is.
  5. He doesn’t even understand what’s going on. His phone is older than him, no smart watch, no smart TV applications, just his dusty old note and a fuckin PC.
  6. Leave it up to APPLE to REVOLUTIONIZE Bluetooth
  7. Your device does everything you need it to. ... except leave the house lmfao. You’re tethered to a PC 100% of your day he’s now saying phones are not needed because he has a PC.. HOLY FUCK
  8. There’s no other set of products in the world that do it LOL, sitting at your PC all day to listen to music! I’m can go workout without my phone and still stream music wait, did he just imply iPhones can’t steam music! LMAO!!! @Remij_ the hill you chose to die on
  9. What phone do you have? I hope it’s better than Jerry’s better to just say... “I don’t care about phones”, LOL
  10. He can’t even fathom the brilliance my watch STREAMS to my headphones, lmao he can’t even comprehend ground breaking!
  11. It’s something I’ve already done, I can do it now
  12. That is something I could easily do, lmfao. Android could never dream of pulling this incredible feat off
  13. There are so many more things, thanks for proving me right
  14. Either way, the best gets better. Flawlessly and seamless transition for AirPods and beats pro. here’s just an example of how it works. im sitting at my desk, listening to music from my watch...headphones in. A friend texts me a video, I pull out my pocket and watch the video. My headphones instantly connect to my phone, and play the audio from the video. I put it away and the audio switches back to my watch. Then, I open the MacBook and start watching a YouTube video and it instantly switches over to YouTube’s audio. Then, I turn around and turn on the Apple TV and watch s
  15. You’ve never even used iMessage, I don’t blame you
  16. Ain’t no one wanna text yo green bubblin, group chat killin, slow delivering, messages outta order ass
  17. True, who cares about texting on a phone Is this guy serious
  18. People that use text messages... I see why you and the other losers don’t care about it think about who’s on your side... @jehurey @Goukosan and @nitric ... wrong side, bro
  19. Android still has fucking SMS lmfao
  20. you can resize them and third party will be included, and they’ll look great But who’s talking about widgets besides you guys???
  21. No. I said the seamless switching between devices on iPhones, Apple Watch, Apple TV, and Macbook is with headphones. You wouldn’t have any idea what I’m talking about. they’d even work with that new bmw you’re picking up
  22. It’s a hideous mess, like he is
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