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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. Xbox one, ps4, ps1x n64... all better looking consoles. Ps5 looks like a Literal vagina or oil diffuser lmfao it looks like an amazon product for $15 not “futuristic”
  2. Simple. Don’t waste time on games that are under $10. The full focus should be on AAA titles developed.
  3. You’re stupid. Ps5 is the worst looking console of all time, easily.
  4. I saw literally ALL I needed to, holy shit what a disappointing conference that must have been for your
  5. That PS4.5 is ugly as all hell, good god. I’m actually glowing to predict MS will beat Sony this gen at providing a PC-lite experience. It’s pretty obvious PS4.5 is just that, none of the graphics even looked better than current gen. Switch will still have better bangers than both, but MS has the edge for the PC-lites, gotta admit.
  6. Haven’t been able to tune it. How bad did the cows get raped LOL
  7. Missed most of the conference, checking out now. I will confidently say TCHBO tho. Did they announce price or show the console?
  8. Great. Going to pick them up today. I want the 1090s but figure I can get them at a later date. the ones for sale don’t work on the 20lb setting for one of the dumbbells, and the guy has a new bar for $100 that would fix that, but is $100 worth a 20lb dumbbell? Probably not... but hopefully I don’t regret not buying it.
  9. Might be taking a loss on the XSX, isn’t x1x 6tflops?
  10. Work finally made the switch, have a few questions for people using it... how do I pop out team chats I’ve created? I can only seem to pop out individual IMs why do my notifications for incoming messages bring up the full app instead of the popped out chat windows?
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