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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. Samsung would still be making dumb phones if not for Apple, LOL. They admitted to copying EVERY UI feature from Apple, and were ordered to pay over half a billion for doing it.
  2. Can you show me a video of the “old” method? because the new one is IDENTICAL UI to apples...IDENTICAL
  3. Another marketing blunder for Samsung kinda like how they deleted their videos on YouTube claiming the headphone jack is essential after they decided to remove it!
  4. Do you really find that people are trying to use your WiFi?
  5. googles shitty attempt to look like terminator, LOL. Both lenses will have display info on apples, without that weird ass protruding arm
  6. And as always, Apple perfected it and will popularize it. this is nothing like the Snapchat glasses, it won’t even have a camera on it. But it will have a lidar sensor, which is a game changer. there’s a reason both google and snap failed miserably.
  7. Except this one will sell and be a much better product ...google glass has been discontinued for years but they shoulda callled it iGlass que Samsung glass announcement in 5....4....3....2....1
  8. It’s not proportional and is the same reason when people claim some European countries have it “figured out” They look dumb because it doesn’t 1:1 transition.
  9. Apple Watch is amazing, but not something I would say is a must have. It only becomes a must have once you have it, then it’s hard to go without.
  10. I’d imagine Samsung will be announcing “Samsung glass” here shortly. https://appleinformed.com/2020/05/19/leaker-releases-info-on-apple-glass-including-design-features-ui-and-pricing/ Pretty reliable leaker. Some screen caps from the video below *the design in the video is nothing like what Apple plans. Apparently they’ll just look like a standard pair of glasses, with the Apple sleek being applied. These things will inevitably take off. I’ll hold off for the sunglasses version me thinks.
  11. Not down for “re-reviews” in the slightest. It’s obviously done by fanboys of the game and was likely paid for by the developer. https://www.ign.com/articles/overwatch-review-2020-update
  12. Yeah kinda how I assumed to to. Not entirely clear from his proposal, tho. Roughly 128m households
  13. But the $1k must be spent in 10 days or it expires. Thoughts? https://www.marketwatch.com/story/mark-cuban-says-families-should-get-1000-in-stimulus-checks-every-two-weeks-with-one-big-catch-2020-05-17
  14. Here was the offer. Best offer I’ve ever seen a CC company use
  15. Their credit card (ran by citi) gave 10% back on bills, ranging from electric, cable, internet, cell phone, etc. every bill is 100+ so imagine getting 10 back on each of your bills....for 3 months! you can Obviously use the card outside of BB, just not rewards
  16. What do you mean? Twitter tells them YAAAAAS QUEEEEEEN
  17. Had a LG OLED, too many windows in the crib. Could barely watch it during the day
  18. Had it for two or three years. No issues or back pain so meh, don’t really feel the need
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