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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. Any console game will eventually be boosted on PC. You’ll be able to play some bangers in 10 years.
  2. The Wii U version WAS the way to play ..... 10 years ago. enjoy your scraps, it shows you’re begging to play Nintendo games anyway
  3. I literally just defending you, you racist nut job
  4. Listen guys I hate that racist @jehurey as much as the next but this is not a flop. I skipped out on this game 10 years ago, and no sheep hyped this. It’s a fucking port. And even if it was a whole fuckin remake, I still wouldn’t buy it. ownage denied tchbo tho
  5. This I agree with. Just pay everyone who’s out of a job money, equal to what they were making. People that didn’t work before don’t need more money either.
  6. There is much more money going to that. Vents are no longer an issue and really never ended up being. Hate trump but dude got it done in terms of supplies. America was highjacking equipment frkm other countries ffs, it wasn’t even big news when iT happened. Scummy tho
  7. Everyone that is still earning income is BETTER off in this situation. Everyone is simply stackin chips, there’s nothing to spend it on. No one with a job should be given free money imo. Upgrade the PPP program and higher some more fuckin UE staff. Boost that program further.
  8. Instead of owning up to it, he continues to dig the hole deeper.
  9. I didn’t qualify nor should really any American who still has full income. Double it and give it to people who have been laid off. Raise requirements but also raise UE benefits. Don’t over pay but match paychecks
  10. The first thing that comes to mind to multiple people is that you’re a racist, dude.
  11. He’s now denying he was! lost all credibility, .... again
  12. What are you going a do when he says he is?
  13. He bragged about working under 4 hours a day. Lol very important person that got capped at 50k
  14. I would have said the same thing about you, Twinblade, Jimbo, or a number of people on this site. It had nothing to do with race, but I could see why a racist like you would take it that way. It’s the attitude of the person
  15. I’m pretty sure he was the last person banned here for racism, too. Not only is he racist, he’s the last one who is, in 2020. Imagine that shit
  16. The guy posts til 4 am every night. It eats at him, he actually loses sleep over it.
  17. Well, here are the boxes I see all the boxes marked, don’t be mad at me.....
  18. He’s saying “the moment you make it about me you lost” despite him DYING to abandon any and all arguments to call people racist, despite being a racist ..
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