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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. Sony will likely do the same thing (cough wArzone 2) not sure why cows are talking shit lol Nintendo is the only one with honor
  2. This reveal led IGN to write an article about how next gen will be disappointing and gamespot to say Microsoft already broke a promise
  3. I leaned absolutely nothing from the trailer. I don’t even know what genre it is
  4. https://www.gamespot.com/articles/xbox-series-xs-inside-xbox-event-didnt-deliver-on-/1100-6476997/ Holy TLHBR
  5. It’s 2x power than x1x where x1x was 4 times as powerful as x1
  6. Still cute my lil shit is only 10 weeks old tho he prob won’t get all that much either anyway
  7. I think the same shit of the few friends/family members that have seen him.
  8. Will it ever actually happen? I’m not convinced one bit the jump from x1>x1x is bigger than x1x is to xsx which, ultimately, is fine, it’s like they’re doing the cellphone route. I think the x1 and x1s will be phased out, and the x1x will be the base model and the Lockhart or whatever being how the x1s was just my opinion
  9. He’s a little shit cant be left alone for 2 seconds
  10. one more pic, blacked out my foot bc there are prob some foot fetish ppl on here
  11. He’s just a lil wiener dog lol. Got him for free. I’ve never owned another kind of a dog other than Rottweiler but he’s cool but a bit of a pain in the ass
  12. It’s been about 15 years since I’ve had one, this mother fucker LOVES rabbit shit. I have a fenced in yard and have no idea how these fuckers get in, but they leave their pellets everywhere. My dog loves them. I read their harmless, but it’s fucking disgusting. Anyone have any tips for this?
  13. Exactly this, every bit of gameplay looked identical to this gen
  14. You said I was an idiot for claiming this 6 months ago now look at you, using my bait
  15. What were they actually thinking? Have CGI trailers or “in-game engine” trailers ever been enjoyed?
  16. I can’t wait to bump this when this POS is released. ban bet me right now that it will look like the gif I posted earlier
  17. I’m not talking the animations. The background effects, the smoke, the fire, the lighting. Not only does Ubi not have the talent, it looks better than a Pixar movie. Won’t even be close. on top of this, they called it GAMEPLAY
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