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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. He doesn’t even know, he’s asking ME to help him out this isn’t who wants to be a millionaire, and I’m damn sure not your friend
  2. You said the Note 12 was announced. Post it.....or you lost this entire argument I’ll wait
  3. He doesn’t even know what to do at this point, he’s just repeating himself over and over which was it, jerry???? Did you quote him or not???
  4. Did Samsung announce the note 12? link me to it. I’ll wait.
  5. Yes, I do. The one that was posted saying it I’ll happen In the near future did Samsung announce the note 12 yet? Nope and theres a reason why
  6. He’s STILL trying to discuss anyyyyyyything... ...but the subject of the thread
  7. No one likes you, hence the reason I said “back up” in quotations you quoted remy (how many times do I have to tell you, LOL) in obviously a desperate plea for help. but it backfired
  8. Did jerry just admit to attempting to derail a thread because he lost? you bet he did
  9. Bu bu maybe if I piggy back of @Liquid I can stand a chanceeeee it’s too easy to own all three of you, consistently... but again, especially with you
  10. If only your “back up” could save you. It’s making this worse for all three of you, but especially for you.
  11. On just on cue, he resorted to editing quotes Too bad you can’t edit your own quotes
  12. He’s just repeating the same shit now, he has officially ran out of spins. He’ll probably apologize soon now that he realizes he’ll be banned come November
  13. only a few more months on here, get it all out while you can Ironically, thats strategy too, LMAO
  14. He can’t comprehend why or how he owned himself, he’s THAT owned. don’t worry jerry, one day you’ll get it. until then, this might help
  15. Hey, you agreed to the ban bet, so like I said....can’t wait to bump it baby. oh wait, you’ll already be banned. You said trump would be out of office before he could be up for another election. Damn, guess you’ll have to argue with Jimbo about why Samsung dropped the Note
  16. Well see next year, won’t we, Jerry? Say hi to Jimbo for me.
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