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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. You mean helping raise money and giving away likely .1% of your salary makes you “very charitable”? Notice how you say you help move OTHER people’s money around....just not yours. Your lil school supplies doesn’t make you charitable, either. It means you were likely looking for a right off so you could claim the stimulus check next year you should be donating 20k a year minimum based on liberal ideology. Yet, you’re not. TRUMP donates a higher percentage than you do. like I said, I won’t tell anyone you voted for him
  2. Am I a liberal? No. You didn’t answer the question, though. How much do you give the homeless? How do you sleep at night realizing you’re spending 50k+ on a car despite there being homeless people outside of your building? speaking of brick walls, why don’t you donate money to that broke faggot @Liquid? Dude clearly needs help with his brick wall. it is YOUR responsibility to share your wealth, not mine. Practice what you preach. It’s okay to admit you voted for Trump. I won’t tell anyone.
  3. damn, now we gotta work on Lizzo and hopefully the “big is beautiful” bullshit has a heart attack
  4. So you shouldn’t have to give to charity unless you own a bk and McDonald’s?
  5. So you think you have the right to buy a brand new car despite living in a city of homeless? How much do you give them when you walk by? Anything?? you don’t deserve or need such a luxury car. You could easily get a vehicle for 10-15k and donate the rest. Why don’t you? *liberal greed, that’s why*
  6. 40k is a lot compared to a homeless person. Didn’t you claim to make 100k + drive a BMW? That BMW is totally unneeded, and 100k is a lot of a single male. You should DEFINITELY be donating. But, like all other “liberals” on this site, you’re greedily hoarding your money... because it’s ME ME ME. this thread played out perfectly. Any time anyone ITT tries to bash republicans, I’ll bump this thread As a reminder that you’re even MORE greedy.
  7. You could do that and still not be “rich” by any means. so it’s that persons responsibility to provide hand outs? Because they own a McDonald’s?
  8. My watch does everything (more accurately) and tracks it all better, too. I don’t even have to press a button. It’s 24/7 monitoring. Your phone also can’t have 3 apps open at once because it has no memory. LOL I’d rather have a great phone than a heart rate monitor that can take calls (and that’s about it, LOL) Also - as mentioned, both of these have been available on iOS for over half a decade. LOL. And you can’t name a single feature that’s otherwise good, so you are now using random ass features like heart rate monitoring
  9. Richie rich is subjective. Literally. If you make a million but have two million in debt/bills, are you rich?
  10. You Andorks don’t realize Samsung came out with a 100+ page booklet on how they NEED to copy the iPhone, DO you? LMAO https://bgr.com/2012/08/08/apple-samsung-patent-lawsuit-internal-report-copy-iphone/amp/
  11. You didn’t name a single thing. Why are you talking about “android” when I’m talking about your lag filled s7? The original iPhone runs smoother than it there are thousands of apps that do what you’re claiming is so great about your phone and guess what, the stock health app for your iPhone tracks then with significant more detail too I can hack into your phone fairly easily and steal the data too, considering you stopped receiving security updates 3 years ago On top of that, I could spend about $10 and get a better heart rate monitor and bp device than your phone can eve
  12. If you make 40k a year you are rich compared to a lot of people who defines rich? And also, If you make 40k a year what is $100?? Peanuts! You spend more on coffee in a few months. Go without it bro, time to give back
  13. Such as? my iPhone also blows yours out of the water in display, app support, security, gpu and cpu, memory, camera, facial recognition, battery, and so many more things
  14. You’re dancing around the fact that you’re all about “ME ME ME” and don’t give anything to ANYONE. Except your cam girls, that is. Miserable faggot, go help out the less unfortunate bu bu the govt should do it!! Not me !! youre republican by fucking nature you bigoted ass loser “self imposed” LMAO. If you were actually a liberal, you would have NO problem helping out those in need. Instead you’re self loathing about being black and a dick sucker LMAO, prob even voted for Trump
  15. Speaking from the king of retarded losers how much do you contribute? *waits for the lil bitch to keep deflecting*
  16. Gonna make a man with a pussy, aka @Liquid lmaoooo
  17. Thanks for playing https://bgr.com/2020/01/30/galaxy-fold-2-vs-galaxy-note-20-two-s-pen-phones-to-launch-this-year/
  18. Defeat can’t take the ban bet, so basically a confirmation that yes, the line is DEAD. thanks for playing
  19. For the THIRD time, the s20 note will be the LAST one. wanna ban bet? If you don’t accept, you admit defeat.
  20. Tf did he just post? I already said they’re giving it one more year... TWICE hes just repeating the same shit and spinning it different ways LOL
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