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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. The entire point of the bump was for you to celebrate Konrad’s Kittens... you’re digging your hole DEEPER now.
  2. The Note 8 was bad, but Samsung’s latest TOP SELLER was quite the dumpster fire itself Samdung can’t escape its own past, thanks for bringing up the worst disaster is smartphone history
  3. You haven’t said why it’s anything but a flop because you can’t
  4. Point is made, even he thinks PSVR is a
  5. That’s right, Jerry. You can combine the Galaxy s20 (all 20 editions), the Note 10, and the Note Folds sales ALLLLLL together....
  6. He can’t even defend it ooooh I do understand, you wanted to brag how there are so many PSVR games...like fuckin Konrads Kittens
  7. You can COMBINE the flagships of Samsung and they don’t match sales the single flagship iPhone bargain bin Samsung meanwhile...LMAO
  8. proved wrong, and still not the subject. back to the actual topic. Yikes. The galaxy lines flagships are DOOMED. If they’re growing, why are sales....DECLINING theyre growing their mid to low range devices
  9. LMAO I can totally see jerry playing this!!!
  10. Jerry pulling out ANYTHING he can at this point, LMAO. In a thread about Samsung phones, this fool desperately tries to change the subject to....KEYBOARDS on MacBooks?!?! got damn, imma start calling you remy LMAO
  11. Jerry bragging about Konrad’s Kittens LMFAO
  12. 3x higher than Samsung’s best selling phone, LMAO!! He doesn’t realize he’s owning....HIMSELF!!!
  13. The XR sells for 3x higher the highest selling Samsung phone not to mention the 11 and 11 pros accounted for 70% of sales after it released jerry just cant win this one
  14. San Diego is like year round air temp. I wanna move there
  15. On my third marg of the day
  16. Notice how you’ve skipped over my direct question to you now multiple times, LOL. That’s what we call...deflecting.
  17. Central air ? Where do you live?
  18. I would give up my car before I lived without AC
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