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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. So, you identify as right wing then as you said this was accurate. republican remy... has a ring to it.
  2. I’m not sure they’re less fortunate, but good on you. @Liquid greedily hoards his entire paycheck because in his world, it’s all about him
  3. After the 10 they released the 20 and its had the worst sales in flagship galaxy history, but there’s only been one since the one you have (well, about 50, but only one flagship)
  4. Seems odd you keep deflecting. How much of your paycheck do you donate, remy?
  5. Because apple makes TVs lol Apple Music has been on android since basically the start. The whole point of streaming services is to be available to the most outreach. I can get Apple tv on nearly anything.
  6. I have had 10 phones in that same time frame. and it will be 11 come September I spent $0 on upgrades
  7. Love my 11pm as well but with no upgrade fee or change to monthly cost I’ll be getting the 12 as well I need to upgrade the watch tho, I’ll likely wait for the new one instead of getting series 5
  8. A few friends in DC have had it. One couple I know both had it (wife is an ER doc). The wife was sick for about 5 days but is now cleared to return to work. The guy felt symptoms for one day and was completely back to normal afterwards and has since tested negative. Even smoked weed throughout the whole ordeal. both in their 30s also had a friend who’s grandfather passed away from it
  9. I’m not talking about taxes. I’m talking post tax donations to the less fortunate. the way some libs talk on this site, I imagine them cashing their paycheck, taking half out, and handing it to homeless people on the streets
  10. So I take it you don’t donate anything, eh? “ME, ME, ME”
  11. If they don’t have a job, the LEAST they can do is volunteer 40 hours a week. No excuses.
  12. Tacos and margaritas finna hit around noon today shitty weather here in Pittsburgh today tho
  13. I don’t understand why @Liquid and @jehurey don’t donate half their paychecks to the homeless oh wait. It’s because they only think about “me” too. Like everyone, really. No one wants to give away things they work for
  14. The average selling price of iPhones was $692, while Samsung smartphones sold for $227. This means that the gap between the average prices has reached a new record of $465. This comes as no surprise. another swing and a miss and the final nail in the coffin oh wait. ANOTHER nail
  15. This is the top selling Samsung phone of 2019...and it’s not even close
  16. What’s the top selling Samsung phone? is it a flagship? Or a $200 phone?
  17. Some of those people may not have been successful at all without drugs tho, see most of musicians lol
  18. Well that sure is an interesting mash up. I would have got dax tbh but nah, you should watch the Netflix show. Basically a real version of jerry springer
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