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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. Well that’s probably the worst of the options, on either android or iPhone. Low quality FTL.
  2. Is there a new halo coming out soon or am I making threads about halo 2 still
  3. I mainly use Apple Music but Sprint/T-Mobile just gave two months of YouTube premium away, which is nice I guess but probably not worth the money. Figure most use Spotify, but just curious on everyone’s preferences. still blows my mind that I pay for music, 10 years ago I would have said not a chance in hell. However, the convenience easily out weights ~10 a month. (Really 5 or so as I have a few people on my account)
  4. Apparently it allows you to repeatedly repost a post you made 14 years ago because you have no material
  5. I don’t think the site is popping enough to ban anyone, especially one that contributes a lot. It’s not hard to simply not go into his threads if you don’t want to? Seems like he was banned bc people don’t have willpower to not read his posts, IMO.
  6. Game is what, 6-7 months away with no gameplay revealed whatsoever? Not a good sign, lemtotoes
  7. If it is ban worthy half the site needs gone. Literally just posted quotes of people saying it within the last 3 days and Cooke didn’t ban them it either is....or it isn’t. Why are bans inconsistent also they banned grip for no reason dude made lots of content and even tho his typing style was insane he usually made valid points
  8. Why ban people when you can constantly make accounts if you wanted. It takes less time to make an account than I took to submit this post
  9. those are literally within the last day so lol if so
  10. Seems like posting spoilers?
  11. No one got banned for saying faggot. @Liquid does it constantly
  12. These fuckers just gave me 10% off anything in the store now to use within a month. I still can’t decide🙄
  13. Sorry I don’t support bigotry @Liquid the little bitch boy is not only racist but a bigot too. he still can’t respond.
  14. Whoa, look at that. Racist and a bigot @Cookester15 so we are free to use the f word now?
  15. Still can’t respond to me, can you little boy? and lmfao - we all remember your broken ass apartment. Glad u didn’t deny that
  16. Never had issues, GOAT game. Always something new to discover, new areas to explore. Always are rewarded for exploring I played it about 50/50 handheld vs docked, it does seem to run slightly better docked so maybe try that I guess. I didn’t really notice any big issues handheld tho
  17. No, just especially @Liquid. He will forever be my bitch
  18. You really can’t do it, can you? I have you beat in every way you fucking loser maybe now you’ll realize not to fucking open your dumb fucking mouth, isn’t that right? You’re my bitch, & that’s all you ever will be too
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