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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. How you think you’d fair walking in Compton at 1 am? i agree racism exists, it’s disgusting and simply unintelligent, but to say it doesn’t go both ways is mind boggling it is as simple as the majority. The majority wins. Every time. In all facets of life it has nothing to do with race. People just seem to cling on to that because it’s lazy and easy. remember as a little kid wanting to play hide and seek but all your friends wanted to play tag? Guess what you played .. tag. if we were in a predominately black world, white people would co
  2. Let’s look at it this way. If white people were truly racist, what’s stopping them from simply not having ANY black people? Oh that’s right, whites aren’t racist. White people stand up for black people......more than black people do. Any time a Black person “acts out” they get called an uncle ruckus, like @Liquid calls @kokujin ofc there are exceptions. But as a whole? To say all white people are racist? If that was true there simply wouldn’t be black people. Lol tf
  3. Respond to my posts little boy. Fucking loser And realize I’m not calling you a loser bc youre black, I’m calling you a loser because you’re worthless
  4. I think it’s fucked up to mess with someone’s life due to anything other than their ability, ie not hiring someone bc they’re black is not good. That being said, little boy @Liquid would call it racist if he wasnt hired due there being a better candidate... who was white. He’s a fucking child and will forever be living in a studio apartment with no car or family because of this outlook on life. Shit, I remember he posted a picture of his “room” and literally it had a wall made out of bricks that fell over. It was a pile of rubble in this mans...err, boys apartment. Just pitiful
  5. Can you show me a post that I made that wasn’t valid? if you can’t, well...
  6. I’m asking you to help me understand it and....you’re arguing with yourself for whatever reason
  7. Why do we go through this every gen I bet every game won’t even be 4K natively
  8. It absolutely looks better, but some people are calling it “next gen” with ray tracing alone. I think it looks marginally better, in certain environments, but some I actually think look worse/unrealistic this video is what caused me to post the thread thanks for posting a video tho, clearly @Remij_ doesn’t believe his own hype smh.
  9. Any video comparing what it would look like without?
  10. So show me a video. That’s obv what I was asking for. also - if you have to have “knowledge” why something is impressive it’s probably not that impressive to begin with. It would be like a business educating you on why you need their product, yet you have no practical use for it. Otherwise.... worthless
  11. An unrealistic graphical style mixed with realistic lighting just looks odd imo
  12. If they are all valid, what difference does it make? give me a reason to
  13. Which post did I make that wasn’t a valid point? Or are you just trying to silence me because I’m...white? Aka... are you a little boy racist too? last I checked you were demodded after ABUSING your power one too many times. Seems like something you’d cry racism over IRL
  14. Can you make his skin white? I want to see @Liquid lose his SHIT
  15. because tbh, I do NOT see the hype. I suppose it’s marginally better, or maybe I haven’t seen the best examples (don’t you dare post Minecraft) but it’s being praised as a revolution in gaming. I just am not that impressed
  16. Remy wants to cry racism? I’ll have him begging to lick my fucking toes by the end of this thread hes a little boy and will be treated as such ITT if he continues to spew his garbage thoughts
  17. And he’s gonna respond to every single post or I’ll be driving him off SW, again aint that right little boy???? @Liquid
  18. I hear they’re doing a fresh prince reboot but it’s all white people living in trailers. Are you gonna watch @Liquid????? The main character (will smith, but renamed Adam Jacobs) is actually a transgender female to male person
  19. I can’t wait for the BLADE remake...starring TOM GREEN. are you gonna see it @Liquid????
  20. Defines prejudice in one sentence, displays prejudice in the very next. LMAO. You think you know my life because I’m not black and don’t suck dick? i guess that means since you’re black and sick dick you’re a ghetto POS that has AIDS and a crack addiction. See how it works both ways, you fucking loser? LMFAO @Liquid respond to every single post little boy
  21. @Liquid let’s go bitch. Respond to every single post like my lil bitch that you are. Go ahead little boy, let’s see you argue
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