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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. @Liquid let’s go bitch. Respond to every single post like my lil bitch that you are. Go ahead little boy, let’s see you argue
  2. Ooooh I know LMAO, bad boys 2 remake except it’s white cops arresting black people who are drug lords how would that go over with you remy???
  3. Let’s remake the Friday movies, but this time with all white people in a rich suburb REMY WOULD LOSE HIS SHIT
  4. Remy is so racist he hates black people that don’t “act black” ...tell us remy, what does “acting black” mean? jesus I can beat you every way on this argument. Best to just leave the thread you racist fuck
  5. Let’s remake every Tyler Perry movie but only cast white people you guessed it, remy would lose his SHIT
  6. Let’s remake black panther, but call it white panther. Remy would SCREAM
  7. What really irks me are all these CULTURE VULTURES in SPORTS. NFL, NBA, etc are WHITE MAN SPORTS! see how fucking stupid that sounds? You’re making this exact argument, just flipped. You’re an IDIOT and clinically racist by the definition
  8. It was based on the original, which was white people (men). made by white people (men). I had no problem with the reboot for the record, but see how fucking idiotic your lil argument was! LMAO you would LOSE YOUR SHIT over a white NWA movie, wouldn’t you ? how about a new movie loosely based on MLK, but now he’s a white woman! how about a white malcom x!
  9. I guess you’d see no issues with a new NWA film with them all being white people then. ez e...played by Steve carrel! Dr Dre can be done by will ferrel. No issue at all, right? let’s make a new MLK movie and have a white person play him!
  10. Racism is fucking people over bc or their race. Me calling a Asian or a black person a word means nothing. It’s the same as calling a fat person fat. I would never NOT hire someone, or try to fuck up their life bc of their skin color, hair color, weight, etc. that’s racism. A simple name, no, not racist, and neither is having predetermined thoughts based on your life experiences. Everyone does. You’re lying if you’re saying you don’t. Also - the thought black people cant be racist is racist in itself. Y’all think you’re above racism? Lmfao. You aren’t some little pon
  11. Is making fun of someone with red hair racist? Is making fun of ugly people racist? is making fun of /judging people born into wealth racist? is calling someone an old geezer racist?
  12. No one on here is going to tell me I’m racist when most people don’t even know what the word means lmfao. bu bu saying Asians are good at math is racistttt wahhhhhhh saying white men cant dance isn’t tho wahhhhhm go play in traffic. Neither are racist
  13. Lol @ people trying to judge any human for judging. It’s literally part of our nature without judgement we wouldn’t look both ways before crossing streets. All people judge all people
  14. Once all this shit is over it’s definitely made me realize I should invest in a home gym
  15. It’s insane. I can’t find any workout gear. Bb does cary them but of course they’re out of stock
  16. I was thinking of getting the series 5 watch as I have the 4 currently but they just ended a sale for $50 off so I’m not buying it out of spite. I don’t really need the money or anything, I just want something cool to buy. Kinda have a lack of interest in Best Buy’s stock rn. Maybe I’ll just resell AC like GD said
  17. Have any suggestions ? I’m about to buy a tv for my basement bathroom ffs
  18. I will admit, it’s a fantastic game. A bit slow paced but great, and I never played the first one. Xboys that are laid off can finally play their systems best game.
  19. I told you fools I can’t sell it lol, it’s linked to my Best Buy credit card
  20. I’m too selfish for that i just want suggestions on cool tech to buy
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