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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. I actually think you are indeed one of those. The burden of proof is on you, otherwise.... you’re closed.
  2. Cats out the bag, jerry. https://www.star-telegram.com/news/coronavirus/article241246281.html youve been closed for days. You went in yesterday to pick up your stuff, because you’re out of a job. damn, you see all his projections ITT? @JONBpc he’s outta work entirely, yikes.
  3. I am melting down over the fact that you bragged about 50k when you’re damn near 50. Lmao. You reached your peak. I passed said peak when I was a minor, lmao. #JerrysUnemployedSoon at least TRUMP will send you a check and no I’m not hourly, tho I wish I was.
  4. The entire country is encouraged to work from home except grocery stores, banks, and GameStop. which one does jerry work at 50k seems about average for a bank clerk. I bet that’s what jerry is
  5. Holy fuck, he doesn’t get it. I am not required to work anything bro. I could work 1 hour a week or 1000. As long as my shit is done lmfao. you’re clearly sick with the corona, you just don’t understand these things bu bu I’m salaried. Imagine being salaried while making 50k a year, LMAO, they’re pulling a giant on your ass! imagine bragging...ABOUT 50 K i made that when I was 17 L-M-A-O
  6. But if I’m not at home, how could I be doing it? jerry just got mind fucked Lmao. Sick boi got the germs already single mothers make 3x as much as jerry. Just confirmed
  7. I’m not even at home right now. How’s that fit your projections?😂 Jerry is gonna catch Corona no doubt, and his employer is the reason why! The question now is, will you survive it? A late 40s male, ugh oh.
  8. Lmao. More anger from jerry. Jerry, you already at work? It’s only 1230 cst, new shift today? hes FURIOUS at this point that his company forces him to go to work. He even bought a new thermometer bc he thought he was at risk!
  9. You’re not going to be working for long. What kind of SHIT company wants their employees to go to work at a time like this? Lmfao, bro, tel me... you work for GAMESTOP😂 and no, the best part about my job is I make 3x as much as you! 😂
  10. It’s literally the exact way the world works, homie. You are seeing it as we speak.
  11. I have zero problem with people bulk buying. That’s the way the world works, folks. First come first serve. If you’re bitching about it, get your ass to the store when they stock. Not brain science. People are free to buy as much as they want. You do not get to decide what amount of anything would make someone feel comfortable.
  12. I always am about 2 weeks ahead in terms of groceries. It’s like refilling your tank in half full instead of empty. lots of shit goes bad usually tho ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  13. It allows for freedom. Freedom you don’t have. You see jerry, I could eother work from home OR at work. Any hours I want. It could be 2 hours a week or 70. As long as my works done. uoure required to go to work. Another 1-430 shift again today, I assume. i think I’m actually going to report your work once the nation goes on lock down
  14. If you don’t realize the entire nation will be shit down soon, you’re blind. And why would I lose my job? Lol as I said the majority of my work for almost the last decade has been from home.
  15. Watch and see, Jerry. Thanks for admitting you CANT work from home, LOL. You don’t even have the option. Your little family business will probably be going bankrupt within a few weeks. then what, Jerry?
  16. Your own gov announced a state lockdown. Looks like you WILL be working from home... except, well, floors can’t be cleaned remotely. looks like Jerry boy is gonna be applying for unemployment “He also recommended that non-essential state employees telework.”
  17. So why did you use your downtime, when you could have simply finished your work at 1:10? because you weren’t Allowed to. Now “they couldn’t all be done at one” before you said you didn’t want to do them all at once. again, if you weren’t forced to come in, WHY would your company WANT you to come in? Why, jerry?
  18. I’m bored enough to download this I guess. Is there really any point though?
  19. You don’t come into work whenever you want. Otherwise, you would have came in at 1 and left at 1:10. the fact you’re not wfh means you are required to be in office for whatever work you do. Otherwise, why would the company want you there? lmao. And you were scheduled a half day. 1-4:30. You HAD to go.
  20. Jerry, you lost when you spent 4 hours of your life doing 10 minutes of work. That alone tells me alllllll I need to know. why do you ignore the fact I make 3x your salary and normally wfh 3/4ths of the month?
  21. What you do is “vital” yet you make 40k, LMAO and do 10 minutes of work a day
  22. Jerry, I’m simply working. I normally work from home. My job requires effort, and I get paid well. you on the other hand were forced to go to any empty office for 3.5 hours to do 10 minutes of work. LMAO. I can’t find enough hours in the day, meanwhile you’re scraping by life. And bragging about it. LMAO
  23. So instead you decided to waste 4 hours of your life rather than finish your work with your morning shit. thats what you’re saying. LOL
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