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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. Why did you go to work for 3.5 hours for 10 minutes of work? he STILL doesn’t get it
  2. Because you would have saved time, jerry. You clearly do not understand, LMAO. 10 minutes of work, but you commuted to work, and stayed there for 4+ hours ....for FUN @JONBpc this fuckin dude! I love it.
  3. You literally said you are at work, with nothing to do. You even said there were times at work YOU DIDNT WORK, and it could have all been done.....from home. no one goes to work for fun jerry. And if you did, you’d work more than 40 hours a week. You already lost the second you admired you had to stay til 430, lmao. your office, aka the boiler room
  4. no - that is called a shit employee that everyone else has to pull the weight for. That’s what you are lmao, and you make under 40k a year, so uh, looks like you’ll stay that way with that work ethic. i sold my business for more than my current salary, aka 4+ years of yours.
  5. Bro he said he could have worked from home, but instead decided to commute to work to sit around because there wasn’t much to do. LMFAO. Who would do that voluntarily? he’s either forced to come in or he’s just a fucking idiot. Lmao
  6. Did jerry just become salaried? It is not a good thing. Lmao. What a moron do you know why companies salary people? when I owned a business i would love when they accepted that. Hey, let me pay you a flat rate even though You may work harder/longer than most. who do you think is winning that, jerry? LMAO I’ve been it for years, it sucks, who would brag about it?
  7. Did this dude just brag about having PTO at a $16/hour job? LMAO but uh, yeah we are required to wfh now along with 95% of the country. You’re just not in that percentile as a janitor. LMAO. The only time I’m wearing a headset is for meetings, and if by headset you mean my POWEr beats bro, you’re right.
  8. You can’t tell your boss you aren’t coming to work. You’re FORCED to. It doesn’t matter about the pandemic, you still have to clean the building. You proved it by driving into work today, lmao. and yes, like most people, refusing to work will not get you far in life. LMAO. You make under 40k a year and you’re bragging about being a salaried worker. They think your max potential is 40k a year. What is that, 16$ a hour? LMAO.
  9. Jerry - why did you waste 30 minutes of your day? I’d love to know. you could have had a 1 hour day. YOu still would have wasted 30 minutes of your life, for no reason and now you’re trying to change the subject. I wonder why why did you waste time driving into work if you didn’t have to, jerry?
  10. Because it would have saved 30 minutes of your day to not drive to work. I think that is enough of a reason for most sane people. again, I’m not answering calls and I generally work from home all the time. At least 3/4ths of the month. Lol also I work 50+ hours a week because That is how you go from your shit 35k gig to 150+ a year. By working hard. You’ll never get there.
  11. Why would you voluntarily commute to work... if you don’t have to? im still waiting for my answers, jerry.
  12. Why are ppl hyped of a game that has been remade 3+ times already over the last 20 years
  13. Also - who would voluntarily work 12-8 or whatever jerry is claiming. Lmfao. The entire day is gone. well, when you have no one who loves you... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ either way, LMAO, no one wastes 4 hours of their lives if they’re not forced.
  14. So why do you post at 11 pm est and say you’re at work? LMAO you just wasted hours of your life, why? You even said there wasn’t much to do, and it was all possible at home FORCED
  15. What are you laughing about here? The 11 pro is already more valuable than the gs20 lmao
  16. JERRY YOU NORMALLY WORK THE 4-12 SHIFT lmao. “I didn’t want to go to work, but they begged me to resanitize for the 10th day in a row. Everyone else has off..so I said fuck it, came in and ate my lunch and figured, well, fuck them. Cut my hours and money? I’m not even gonna clean. Just gonna sit here until 430 when I can leave. JOKES ON THEM” LMAOOOOOO the truth right there. I see right through your lies
  17. So why would you waste 30 minutes going to work if you didn’t have to? wby are you waiting until 430 to leave??? why did you take a lunch break??? WE NEED ANSWERS
  18. @JONBpc read this thread lmfao. Jerry claims he doesn’t have to go to work, but did it anyway because he refuses to do work on his personal time. (Instead wastes time commuting) then he said he stared at 1 and will be done at 430, even though he hasn’t done much of anything. He even took a lunch break! but he wasn’t forced to come in, lmao. what does this tell you about ole jerry?
  19. “I’m leaving around 4:30 even tho I haven’t done anything for hours” ”but I’m not forced to be here” LMAO its over bro. And yes I know what salaried is. Salaried is where your company fucks you 3x over and removes your OT. I fought against it for years but I was forced into it. It is NOT a good thing if you are even a remotely hard worker. which, you aren’t. But you ARE forced to be there today... to CLEAN none the less! you even took a “lunch break” so ugh, why the fuck wouldn’t you do that at home? Oh yeah, you were FORCED to go
  20. So instead, you wasted time to commute and go to work. Nope, sorry jerry. They FORCED you to come in. Why would you already have a designated 1pm-430pm shift? salaried, LMAO. Your hours got cut and you certainly are NOT salaried, we already know this
  21. I can see why’d they say this. Theyre a dying company and would have to fold. And it’s true, it is pretty “essential” for home life. Thing is, ain’t no one buying games from GameStop... pandemic or not
  22. All this because android has awful resell value i LOVE it. Jerry got beaten down he’s resorted to fairy tells lmao. “I came in at 1 and ate my lunch right away” have fun the next 8 hours are you the ONLY person in the building? LMAO!
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