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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. From the beginning? should we go back, young Gerald?
  2. Sorry, that wasn't a part of you initial claim. You claimed there would be no R-rated content. Additionally, hard R....is TV MA. It's literally a higher rating. You ACTUALLY thought you had one, but you don't. Just more deflections, really.
  3. Are you confused? You don't know what to believe? Do you believe that the Airpods Pro are WORSE than the Sony pair? Or Do you believe the Sony pair is WORSE than the Airpods Pro?
  4. Hard-R? Find your quote of it WTF is a hard R? @JONBpc you ever hear of a hard R?
  5. R is NC-17, TV-MA is 18+, as in mature audiences only. You don't know this, and you're in your 40s? Did you ever see a movie growing up?
  6. GHOSTZ: JERRY: GHOSTZ: JERRY: He never claimed it. He just doesn't know what to believe! confusedjerry.gif
  7. I said, you said that the Sony pair was better than Airpods. You said, "No I didn't" There it is
  8. Then I said, TV-MA is a higher rating than R. And you .............RAN!
  9. So, you posted that, even though you don't believe it? I love it, EVEN BETTER.
  10. I posted several shows. the fact you’re stuck on this, well, checkmate.
  11. LMAO! now he wants to go back, after getting called out on the rating. 0/2 ITT and he thinks the way to dig out of the hole is to double down on ONE out of SEVERAL TVMA or R rated shows. he didn’t think that one through, either. 0/3...only TWO pages in
  12. You got busted lying when you claimed the Sony headphones were better. And you don't even own them! He's DESPERATE to talk about anything other than the actual headphones, now.
  13. Damn, he lost AGAIN. Now he's trying to change the subject to TV MA to get the heat off his foolish R-rated claim.
  14. Making your text bigger ...................... just isn't going to help, not here. Your ENTIRE argument of Sony's headphones (that you don't own) being the best just got DESTROYED. Let's KEEP talking about it.
  15. No, you didn't say it. You claimed I tried to change the subject. Now you're trying to re-write history. It's too late, Jerry. It's all for us there to see. You got busted, hard. Not only does Apple have R, they have TV MA, which is...........the same as R.
  16. He thinks calling checkmate means he WON, when clearly.... Apple has the best headphones, his entire argument was gone the SECOND he realized it.
  17. Sorry, you literally DIDN'T say that. You said R-rated content. Can't bend it now, you're BUSTED. Here's the content you enjoy, so yeah, I think you're pretty bummed you have to pay for it
  18. Jerry the "real man" watches real "R-rated content"
  19. The subject, which you brought up, is R-rated content. We're still on that one here, Jerry. And Apple TV, well...it's got it. If you forget talking about it, well here ya go: Tell me, what did you mean.....by R-rated content?
  20. King, Jerry. They are KING. That is your reality, so much...you can't even debate it, now. Checkmate.
  21. He doesn't even want to DEBATE it now. They're just...THE BEST.
  22. No, tell me exactly what you meant by "R-rated content". Surely not.................R -rated content, right? Damn, he got busted here.
  23. TomsGuide says they're the BEST. Looks like that settles it, Apple is #1 in....Phone, Watch, Tablets, and Headphones. Complete domination. It's Apple vs Android, 1 vs 10000. Wonder why. And he's over here................arguing semantics. He can't argue my facts, so he's spazzing. It's obvious, and has been for a while. He knows this, too.
  24. I'm not. I'm simply stating it has a R-rated show/movie/whatever, when you said it did not. You even had to be told, so you clearly spoke without knowledge.
  25. But, it's rated R....which means you're wrong, again. Also, you are the complete opposite of a "adult man" LOL. You probably just added that your shit to your 'must watch' list. @JONBpc
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