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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. Comfort is more important, hence why people are rocking BUDS. Hence why Sony has 0% market share, and Apple has how much again?????????
  2. I’ve beat you on every subject, LOL. sony doesn’t even have 1% of the headphone market. TRASH better than samdung tho, you won’t even brag about those now
  3. He also said they fit much better hence calling it the best headphones ever. also... running to sony LOL, are you a Sony headphone fan... or a SAMSUNG headphone fan?
  4. Tell me youNg Gerald, what was the top selling Samsung phone this year?
  5. I’m not heavily into computers & parts, but how do you fry a GPU? Do you have to adjust it? Don’t they have things in place to avoid this happening?
  6. Not the cheapo market. We are in the premium market. And also the US market. guess who dominates....BOTH (and all 1st world countries, LMAO)
  7. Do you think they outsold the iPhone? Oh my god ipbpne 11 is forecasted to sell 80 million this fucking quarter !!
  8. AirPods Pro are seemingly the best true wireless on the market Jerry and Gouk, he even said they work well on ANDROID. Time for you to get a pair airpods ASP slowly becoming higher than android phone ASP
  9. Oh yeah? Care to give me exact galaxy note and gs10 numbers then? lol what a fucking idiot.
  10. Apple is number one in the market you and I are both in. it’s not even close!
  11. And then they brag about Samsung selling phones that cost under 200$ in India. It is very odd indeed they brag about sales...on phones they don’t own....in countries they don’t live in, LOL.
  12. Apple is thriving in our country too, it’s a run away victory Samsung slipping....HARD! Maybe their hot new watch? Nope...Samsungs too busy competing with fuckin GARMIN despite a ONE HUNNID AND 21 Percent increase... they failed to even ship a million! but HOW BOUT THOSE BUDS! BACKFIRED LOL @jehurey LITERALLY just spent the last 10 pages downplaying sales, Gouk comes in here like a fucking idiot and brags about them you two fuckin idiots Can’t even get it straight
  13. Apple sells 1 product line. It’s the most popular product line in the world. Apple owns over 50% of the global market for cell phones over $400 apple is the most valauable company in the world iPhone 11 will outsell every Samsung phone this year iphone 11 will outsell Samsung’s flashships combine iphone will outsell all premium phones on android combined samsungs sales were not based on note 10 or gs10, as neither sold remotely well, but rather cheap phones under $300 uhhh, you wanna go down this path
  14. When there are such high volumes of iPhones sold, tend to be issues here and there, but never widespread like you kids think.
  15. Overlap the images. if you want me to do it, it require a ban bet. lets see you put your money where your mouth is
  16. Your proof, is my proof. It shows that I’m right. It LITERALLY shows my phone draining MORE on LTE compared to WiFi. the best part is, you know this. You just couldn’t edit that post fast enough, got caught, and HAD to stick with it. and now there’s nothing left. you don’t want to get banned over it, so you ran....from your OWN claim. JUST like with your battery. im 2/2 ITT. It’ll soon be 3/3, and I’ll bet on that......too.
  17. Annnnnnnd *GONE* this dude abandoned his OWN claims....multiple times ITT now
  18. So you are not willing to ban that the charts that you show proved you wrong? i sure am he won’t even bet on HIS “proof”....he’s peddling BOYS
  19. LOL just like the battery drain Jerry claims on 13.1.3
  20. You... you’re willing to ban bet, right? ducking will be admitting defeat.
  21. One shows OBVIOUSLY more drain. He just got caught, AGAIN. how about we leave it to a ban bet and ask a mod? If they say they’re the same, I’m banned. If not.... well, cya.
  22. Literally one shows more drain than the other. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
  23. The graphics you show prove me CORRECT. My battery decreased more on LTE and WiFi. I think a ban bet is in order, here. @-GD- Jerry claims battery on LTE is the same as WiFi, and he’s willing to double down on that. draft a ban and let’s enforce it.
  24. It’s cute, Jerry. But just like when you admitted your battery is trash, you’re basically admitting you’re wrong here. or wait, are you STILL claiming cell reception has no impact on battery? Tell me... you’re DOUBLING down aren’t ya?
  25. You are right (for once). I know exactly what you were claiming. Now you’re trying to desperately backpedal, but that’s not going to work. It is a FACT WiFi has better battery life than LTE. You aren’t spinning this, Jerry. You just aren’t.
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