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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. But you see, I wasn’t comparing mine to Gds. did you just get busted? LOL do you know who I was comparing my phone to, Jerry? hint: I just posted it in my LAST post, hurry...Still time to save face
  2. I haven’t bought a movie since 2003 nor a cd since 2004 either so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  3. I compared mine to a co workers. WHAT are you comparing mine....exactly?
  4. Jerry. I have been saying my phone would have been at 80% like my co workers (same model) if not for being on sprint. you are on some WHOLE other shit
  5. Sprint doesn’t have 5g, the fuck are you talking about?
  6. I honestly find most games not, including Nintendo’s. I’ve also sold every one of my past consoles and game collections with little or no remorse. But I’ve literally been this way since I’ve sold my NES, just never cared to go backwards. Of course there are a few exceptions. I do enjoy the subscription model more, I hope Nintendo does something like that. They do it with retro nes games disguised as their online service, which is cool because they’ve added new features like MP to them. Ea access is what initially turned me on about this style, I think it’s the best deal in
  7. No, it annoying, but I generally buy them at launch so it’s irrelevant. Or I use GameFly and play them for a month or two until I’m finished. I just rarely play the same game unless it’s a classic, and I really don’t revisit games often. For example, I couldn’t care less about backwards capability
  8. It visibility goes down less after WiFi.
  9. Tho I was without WiFi until 8pm or so today
  10. Well, about 30% throughout the day with usage. I’ve posted many battery shots recently and I temporarily don’t have WiFi at work. So any time before 6 pm or shows battery drain. edit: today 37
  11. I’m saying Sprint sucks. Did you read.... any of the thread before posting? A friend with AT&T was on 80% after 14 hours. When on WiFi, I’m Gucci, but any phone searching for service will drain. Sprint sucks, and very much so in Pittsburgh. Ask @JONBpc again....I got you looking for arguments when there aren’t any. You admitted I have a better battery than you, and now we’re being civil.
  12. I boasted...about sprints poor network. I even said, “WiFi save me” you seem triggered, sweetie
  13. Your phones standbye is fairly concerning. Would it even last a day without use at this point?
  14. Who...is boasting? I literally spent my posts talking about how sprints weak signal causes my battery to drain...faster than my coworkers. @-GD- you see this fool?
  15. Vertically was really opened up by BOTW, but I’m not entirely sure how it would work for a game like Gta unless you’re up on sky scrapers, but even then there’s not much verticality in cities
  16. It’s within the last 24 hours jerry and yes, I generally use my phone for just a few minutes at a time, if not under a minute. This post took 1 minute to make. hence 4% in two hours, 3 of it being while in a low service area. (Sprint) edit: who said I was gaming? Gouk asked why I wasn’t posting the full screen, so I showed him. I thought the only relevant data was the usage.
  17. 2 hours later, largely unchanged. 46% after 14 hours. WiFi saved me, this thing could last 2-3 days with ease if I had WiFi only or A carrier other than sprint. 5g won’t help, pray for me y’all
  18. What are you even arguing? i said pixel is the best android per verge. You said no. You quoted me saying pixel is better than Samsung, who you say makes the best android. facts, Jerry. Facts
  19. You can spin however you want. this doesn’t change the fact that both pixel and mate are better than the galaxy line. if I had to chose currently, I would chose pixel. But luckily, I don’t have to
  20. Because you don’t need to see what apps people use lol
  21. The girl who’s screen cap I posted has at&t as well. Maybe I’ll switch next year
  22. Shitty sprint has me down to 63% after 11 hours.
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