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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. You said the iPhone battery drains fast. It does not. In fact, every Samsung phone ever made drains faster. are you gonna run from claiming iPhones have fast battery drain, now?
  2. https://www.scribd.com/embeds/102317767/content?start_page=1&view_mode=list&access_key=key-o1nfmlft8am5nw1qlpr
  3. Have we not argued about battery life for 5+ pages? can you name a phone that has better battery life yet? otherwise, what have you been arguing for?
  4. You’re not smart enough to own a phone worth bragging about. LMAO. Backed into a corner and had to admit it ITT, too.
  5. No, I always try talking about the phone you own. You always run to the newest, but even they fail. LOL
  6. I can’t find a single review saying note 10 has a better battery lol
  7. Holy shit, it’s like a lemming with a 360 bragging about a Xbox one x!
  8. I want to see how poorly it performs and your app usage. Then my claim of you barely being able to use your phone will be proven true, hence why you don’t post on it.
  9. Hes still Bragging about a phone he DOESNT own
  10. LMAO. This is Jerry and @Goukosan to a tee. They would have had to have spent $15k on androids at this point to match the iPhone the way they brag about phones.
  11. He thinks he won....by having a phone with an AWFUL battery. all I wanted you do admit was that your battery was trash, and you did EXACTLY what I wanted you to. thanks for playing, go charge your phone now
  12. Nope. Danced around it until finally threatened with a ban, he admitted its not even close. it’s all I wanted
  13. He said it performs well on heavy days. Let’s see exactly HOW WELL after 30 mins of COD.
  14. Him admitting it doesn’t is better than the ban bet. I made him even come to grips with it.
  15. Take a look at this @-GD- https://gizmodo.com/here-is-the-entire-132-page-samsung-internal-report-app-5932793?jwsource=cl who could love such a scummy company, LOL Direct link to the doc: https://www.scribd.com/embeds/102317767/content?start_page=1&view_mode=list&access_key=key-o1nfmlft8am5nw1qlpr
  16. All 132 pages of Samsungs internal memo to copy the iPhone directly compared the S1 to the iPhone. This was welllll after 2006, Jerry just got busted.. again!
  17. This is as good as Jerry getting banned. Admitting his phone sucks ass. WOOOO, domination! also, who initiated a ban bet, Jerry?
  18. Jerry sure was bragging earlier, wasn’t he?
  19. Take it up with the courts who found sly Sammy GUILYY AF You’re rocking a KNOCK OFF...lmaoo!
  20. Lmao, all that talk ALL thread ...leads to THIS? ban him, @-GD-, he ran so give him somewhere to run to....the WASTELAND.
  21. Find the the quote. I did say they copied the smartphone Apple invented. And I have 100+ pages of court documents to prove it holy shit, you’ll never live this one down.
  22. Agreed. 30 mins for no jerry for a week is doable.
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