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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. AirPods CHANGED the game. Samsung simply played copy, as always.
  2. lmao all android users ITT. They HAD to see it to believe it. The look on the faces the new iPhone users have when they get it says it all.
  3. Samsung came out with noise cancelling, true wireless headphones......3 years after AirPods came out. The fact that you’re celebrating is well, proof in itself that Samsung doesn’t do ANYTHING but copy Apple. And that’s it. You admitted it.
  4. The new gimmick. LOL. Sorry ball, you got called out on you shit....and YOU know it. For you to beat my phone, not only do you have to run to phones you DON’T own, but MULTIPLE phones. It’s....embarrassing.
  5. But mine is still at 40%. Yours has already died.....twice.
  6. But the same drain, eh? wby won’t you post your apps? Something sure Is...FISHY.
  7. It’s already been confirmed. Mala has a newer Samsung, with a stronger battery. That shit drains like your welfare check, bro. you could prove me wrong, except you know. Mala is right here. Hell, you don’t even use your phone you said....and it’s obvious it’s due to the drain, LOL.
  8. Wow! And Jerry has had his note 8 for multiple years now. Really says a lot. thanks for confirming Jerry’s phone is trash tier. The S9+ even has a bigger battery than Jerry’s note. I can only imagine the drain he gets LOL.
  9. i would have punched this mofo directly in the face before he had a chance to give me the iPhone, lol!
  10. He won’t do it. @MalaXmaS tell us more how your Samsung drains 25% a minute, Jerry wants to know if that’s why his phone does too
  11. I dunno, have no issues with outside noise tho. They’re fantastic. post those apps or forever be owned here. You have 5 minutes. Don’t forget to show the time since last charge.
  12. Sounds like you should have no problem quoting me where I posted I wish the note would get cancelled. Why would I wish that? I wouldn’t. I like competition, just wish note would ya know....compete. That’s one wish I DO have.
  13. Powerbeats pros and Apple Watch both on 77% since 8 am too. Damn, gotta love it.
  14. So why won’t you post your app list? i had no problem, clearly there’s something stopping you from doing it. Probably the fact that you’re phone is on 20% now, LOL.
  15. Sorry, you said I WISHED it. I don’t wish competition away, especially ones beaten by Apple so badly. so....I’ll continue to wait for that post.
  16. Your screen shot shows two apps draining 44%. I asked to see your other apps, and you refuse. I wanna see that 10 hour battery life remaining, don’t forget to show time since your last charge.
  17. Are you telling me using two apps for 54 minutes dropped your phone 44%? LMAO
  18. He has to come up with hundreds of excuses, but still try to brag like anyone cares. This is like a lemming with a 360 bragging to a PS4 pro owner that the x does 4K better. Lol.
  19. I bet he doesn’t want to do it because his phone already dropped 15%
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