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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. Why does no want want a Note 10, jerry? surely if it was so good, sales would be through the roof. instead....we have leaked info saying there will be no Note 11. Well, If the “best phone ever” is getting cancelled... it’s probably not the best phone ever.
  2. You’re now arguing semantics. You know what you said, Jerry. Can’t squirm out of this one now. We won’t let you.
  3. Can’t misinterpret something that doesn’t have room for interpretation. Why are you backing out of your own words.....now?
  4. Again, you left nothing to interpret. It was very simple and a straight forward post. now, you’re trying to back out of it. I don’t know why.
  5. No, you said they’re the best screen manufacturer. You got that right. When Apple pulls away from them, they’ll be hurting for sure. You’d think you’d be happy about iphone sales, considering they make more money for Samsung than the Note does.
  6. Your words left nothing to interpret. Black and white, so to speak. Finally, we AGREE!
  7. No, I don’t. You already said it... and you know you did. We agree, I’m glad.
  8. I don’t need to go look up your posts. They’re already posted, a page ago. again, we are good bro, you cleared it up PERFECTLY.
  9. I actually didn’t say this, Jerry did. He said if you’re not doing it to mock, it’s not racist.
  10. You posted a red X, LOL. The entire pixel is an iPhone clone. Have you seen the UI? It’s 100% identical to the iPhones. and great! No notch will make the best better. It’s still the best display with it
  11. Jerry is as racist as they come. I can only imagine what people he threw into the “you people” grouping.
  12. I brought it up, and again, you’re making it racist. Just as I thought you would. Not a good look for you, racist.
  13. It’s so much better on network speeds that joN and I get the SAME speed on the same network in the same city, LOL. And it should have a notch, because maybe it would have a better screen....I’ve never seen it said ANYWHERE the note has a better screen, LMAO. null and void. Second... nope, forgot about huawei, third best on a second rate OS. it’s gotta hurt that google decided to copy the iPhone instead of the note, eh? I’ve got you dissing the people who make your phone run.
  14. If someone says monkey, you think black people. I think an actual monkey. you’re racist as hell, which is why @Cookester15 has banned you for racism in the past.
  15. So it’s racist I want to honor someone who’s music I listen to? What makes that racist, Jerry?
  16. Sorry, can’t weasel your way out of this one. If you want to run to CNET, you just admitted the 11s camera smokes the Notes. So which one is it gonna be?
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