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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. Nope, sorry, displaymate has already said the iPhone 11 has a better screen than any Samsung ever made. you gonna run to the pixel? 3 phones now, you’re up to $2750 to match the iPhone
  2. Just wait until that google funded embargo ends and the 11 smokes the note at DXOMARK, loooool.
  3. Neither have a better camera than the 11. wanna compare night shots to just make it more obvious? still can’t name one
  4. He literally can’t name ONE Samsung phone with a better display, LOL. already up to $2000 to match the iPhone, cmon bro let’s add another phone
  5. LOL, he STILL can’t. Fantastic. looks like the thread title is indeed true, the best of android just can’t compete. maybe next year!
  6. Tell me, if the shirt designer simply tried to make a Rolling Stones look alike logo without thinking its racist, and someone else sees it and the first thing they think of is “racism” who’s the real racist?
  7. He can’t name a single phone that beats the iPhone at camera, display, and battery. He just CANT.
  8. I’m comparing the best of Android to iOS, and Android fails big time. name an android phone with a better screen, battery, and camera than the iPhone. You simply can’t.
  9. This thread isn’t about the Note. It’s about the best of the best on Android (Pixel 4) being an iPhone clone.
  10. No. No one thought it was racist before until his insecurities were tweeted out for the world to see. it is simply a black colored shirt with his name in the shape of a mouth.
  11. For apps you don’t even think are good holy fuck, the self ownage ITT
  12. Uhh, he did. I have second hand embarrassment over how insecure this guy must be IRL
  13. But NEITHER OF US WANT TO why are you bragging about something that YOU NOR I WANT thats all you have, LOL. when you have a worse display, battery, camera, and app suppprt... hell, even a game like COd mobile is worth bragging about. Although both of our devices run it at 60fps regardless I thought you bragging about gears 5 was bad, but we have a NEW LOW for you
  14. So not only did you download it, try it....DELETE IT.... then bragged about it, got called out, and claimed you “just downloaded it” to avoid having to admit you already deleted the trash. “BUT WAIT THERES MORE ”
  15. Now that we both admitted neither of us play this game, I bet you sure are embarrassed, LOL. post a pic of you streaming gears 5 now
  16. So I caught you....bragging about things you don’t own/use...AGAIN? you are PATHETIC thanks for playing
  17. Real talk, just played a game of COD mobile. It’s okay I guess. I have doubts I’m even playing real people, I went 14-0 in my first game
  18. Go ahead, Gouk. Name an Android phone with a better screen than the iPhone. Or battery. Or camera. bet they won’t be the same phone
  19. He won’t even post a screenshot from his phone, or address that his phone isn’t strong enough to run anti aliasing. now it’s scream and yell until no one is looking. Boy you got raped... HARD. fortnite still isn’t officially released and is a measly 30fps on Android. Looks like we have another fortnite on our hands here, but when all you have is a gimped version...well, you gotta play what ya can. I guess I was right. Hell, S10 still has a busted snapchat and insta. It hasn’t even sold 5 million units, no wonder they aren’t rushing to get updates out.. LOL
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