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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. I guess they’d be similar to edibles, but just curious. Oddly enough edibles (and SMOKING weed) is still illegal in PA, but thc pills are now. anyhow, prices suck ass in the MM store but these are kinda cheap. I’m just afraid I’ll need to eat all 10 to feel anything
  2. soccer is popular, bc it’s for poor people. Anyone can play it. but when it comes to moolah, one lil American sport makes more money than all those lil soccer leagues in fact, any two American leagues make more money than ALL soccer leagues in the world.. lol. Combine our least watched sports, nhl and nba, and they dwarf all soccer leagues combined as well whos clueless? Although money made doesnt =/= skill or anything, but you said I was wrong.
  3. If you have zero investment in the game or teams, why would any sport mean anything to you? Lol what a dumb post. I would never convince anyone outside of US to watch NFL. You have no loyalty or interest, but that doesn’t change the fact that NFL is simply a better game. And makes more money than any other sports league in the world.
  4. The nfl is the most strategic game on earth. They could out scheme a rugby team in a heart beat. A team of the best from rugby would get whooped all over in the nfl or in a merged version. also rugby players are literally 1/2 the size of nfl players on average
  5. I wouldn’t say that tbh. If you’re not 6 ft you’re not in the league (few exceptions, sure) and height isn’t a talent tho they are infinity times more skilled than soccer players
  6. Okay, that has nothing to do with what you said i said assuming they had eye to foot coordination, endurance wouldn’t hold them back. These are significantly better athletes in every way, bigger, stronger, and faster.
  7. I said assuming they have eye foot coordination. Nothing about soccer players being able to RUN is skillful. any nfl skill player could train for endurance with ease. No soccer player could compete in the nfl bc they simply would be too small and weak now, strength isn’t really a skill either, but rather a long process. Endurance isn’t a long process, and most players could be in equivalent shape to soccer players in a few weeks
  8. Also soccer players run roughly 10km ... in 2 hours. If you walked fast enough you could do that in 2 hours. 75% of soccer is standing around of lightly jogging.
  9. Gears sucks and always has. Glad to see MS get burnt on this one.
  10. They would not struggle. Conditioning isn’t a skill, it’s endurance. Anyone can have it. A NFL wr or running back (assuming they have eye foot coordination) could easily compete in a soccer match. a soccer player would be taken out on a stretcher within 3 plays in the nfl
  11. The nfl skill players are the most skilled athletes in the world the lineman are the strongest athletes in the world, I’d love to see a soccer player line up as d end and just have his life ended
  12. Didn’t that same US women’s soccer team get beat by a high school male team? edit LOL yup
  13. I watched umbrella academy so fast. Forgot it even existed, lol
  14. Hear that @Goukosan? Turns out... playing gears 5 on a 6” screen isn’t worth the trouble. Hell, playing gears 5 on any inch screen....isn’t worth the trouble. next time you brag, think about what you say. I’ll remind you of this for the next 5 years tho.
  15. @Goukosan was very excited to play gears of war 5 on his 6” phone.
  16. Seems like it won’t be much of a thread, even lostdumbfuck agrees.
  17. Meh, game isn’t fun & graphics don’t make it any better
  18. Anyone talking shit on switch’s graphics missed the point.
  19. Why would anyone think that? Bizarre, he must have been spouting off PR bs, it’s like saying Netflix leads to higher dvd purchases
  20. im interested to see Madden’s life time sales. Crazy how much sports games dominate every year
  21. Such a missed opportunity. The game had so much potential. The decision to only have cosmetic upgrades caused it to flop...HARD.
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