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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. beautiful man, I need to move south ASAP. Winter is comin and I ain’t talkin GOT. 😭
  2. Same here man, same here. it’s nice having the best phone in the world. things @jehurey can never and will never experience. but us
  3. I just tagged you in a post... that you then you quoted! Holy shit
  4. The only way @jehurey or @Goukosan could ever beat me is if they ever got a phone better than mine but it doesn’t exist @Carlos Vela these fools are in the slums man, I can’t even
  5. All the smilies and large text aren’t gonna help ya, pal. he ran..twice! lets make it a third, Jerry. Wanna take camera comparison shots?
  6. Does this mean... this is proof Jerry’s phone not only can’t type, but holds NO battery charge?!? i think so
  7. Stop drop and roll! no battery comparison posted
  8. Fuck it, I’ll post before you give me DC. Here’s all the DC you need, because you can’t compete LMAO 645 am, it’s now 11 pm @-GD- hows the 11 battery doing?
  9. My phones at 25%, meaning I have multiple hours of schooling your ass to go son. want to post a “last charged” comparison? (Lmao, Android probably doesn’t even do that)
  10. This is all im usually rockin while I fuck Jerry up on a whole new level. LOL, all he’s got is a lowly note 8. Can’t afford anything else, but sheesh. *excuse the camera quality. It’s an old 5s I have, oddly enough, it types better than Jerry’s phone @Carlos Vela you got the watch/beats or airpods? Recommend watch & beats for sure edit: pictured above is $1700, more than Jerry makes a month LMAO @JONBpc
  11. But, he simply can’t do it.. as it takes 2 mins to do... why? the same fool that bragged about watching 2” videos in multi view LMAO
  12. Why do you think you can demand things... when you don’t supply things being demanded from you previously? Not gonna work like that with me, pal. You know that by now.
  13. @jehurey avoiding this thread like the plague now I see, GG
  14. All that.. when I wrote it meant fool. yet, you called me something, then it said it was cunt... but it didn’t end in a T. LOL
  15. He’s literally talking...to HIMSELF at this point. my god, I knew I’d crush him.. but like this? Not even I could predict. DAMN HE GOT RAPED.
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