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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. He’s literally talking...to HIMSELF at this point. my god, I knew I’d crush him.. but like this? Not even I could predict. DAMN HE GOT RAPED.
  2. Was it taken away? *looks at thread title* *only sees direct quotes from Jerry, ITT* you can’t beat me. Never could, never will. Remember that, bitch boy.
  3. Where did I ever deny that I was editing the thread prior to today? this _ _ _ _ has LOST IT! (it was fool, unlike tour racist ass..LOL)
  4. not Worth my time. Point already proven. hes gonna TRY to squirm, I promise it. Watch him post....AGAIN
  5. He committed forum suicide, doubling down.. no, doubled down to the 10th power... and got owned exactly THAT hard. It’s over. this thread will now be used as a good example of why to never buy Samsung. Than you based Jerry
  6. You could simply prove me wrong with a screen recording. But nope, the time passed and you never did. Looks like now.. it’s PROOF. that is all, Jerry. No further responses needed. Feel free to try and post a screen recording, and maybe it will be considered in the court of ghostz. but you still won’t, because I’m right. That’s alllll the proof we needed.
  7. It’s already been posted, MULTIPLE times. I fucked this dude up so bad he has short term memory loss!
  8. Bet you a ban bet you can’t say where I said (or even implied) that GD was making ALL the edits wasnt your last angle that I was “proud of my thread title edits”? this dude has been knocked the FUCK out, LOL does he even know where he is? YOU CANT BEAT ME
  9. Back to square one with Jerry, lmao. I’ll hold you hand here, AGAIN. The burden of proof is now on you defeated boi. its BEEEEEEN over. I’ve been wiping the forum with this dudes welfare check LMAO.
  10. Is that what you claimed, or did you claim I edited the topic to include TLHBO? go ahead and answer for him, @-GD- send this boy to his funeral.
  11. How many subject changes will there be? YOU CANT BEAT ME JERRY. ive already Provided my proof (and you proved it too) and we are now At you asking for me prove my proof. Except you haven’t proven a thing, so now it’s on you.
  12. Who’s been asking for proof for Days? Me? Bc you just said you’ve been asking for hours.
  13. 4 straight days of deflecting on your part thanks for keeping track for me, didn’t think that one through.... did ya?
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