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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. Mala prob thinks it’s waiving hands in the air and shit. it’s subtle, and moving the reticle up a tad is way easier/more accurate w the flick of a wrist than actually aiming The joysticks
  2. This is how dumb he is Even snuck in a pic of my keyboard (lag free) for the double ownage. it’s too ez!
  3. You said “I have no problem skipping it” I said, I don’t care about it. Big difference, considering I have the upgraded version of the 11. you have a 3 year old phone with debilitating keyboard lag.
  4. Anyone who has tried gyro aiming uses it. it is simply superior, maybe second to only keyboard and mouse. and uhh, the switch pro controller is like 10x the battery than the ones. you have no idea what you’re talking about, lol.
  5. LMAO ”Jerry is defeated” ”no u” he can’t even come up with his own comebacks now!
  6. Not giving a shit about something = it sucks? I don’t give a shit about you...so what’s that say? LOL I got him reaching worse than dyno ITT now.
  7. He’s so defeated. You can tell, LOL. An iPhone 4s bro... wow he literally has nothing in his power to prove me wrong either, he won’t even post a screen recording.
  8. Holy shit, you’re RIGHT. It’s actually worse than the 4S!!!! Bro get out of this thread while you can!
  9. The Note 8 is worse than the iPhone 5 (FIVE!!!!) now, I knew SKL was bad. But THIS bad? My god it all makes sense (and has for a WHILE, LOL)
  10. Can you show me where I said that? now he’s making shit up, LOL Fact is - I don’t champion phones I don’t own. tho, I do own a 11 pro max. and you? a note 8 no subject change in the world will change that FACT
  11. Back to ignoring! we already told you, Jerry. that’s not gonna work, nope, not here. I invite you to keep trying tho!
  12. Is that not the phone I own? i don’t give a shit about the regular 11, LOL. I only care about phones I own... can you name a category, yet?
  13. Back to his IGNORING proof this is FUN, watchin him squirm. LOL. Too late for that, Jerry. Definitive proof has been posted more than once ITT. you coulda denied it before... but now? Lol, not even a chance. SKL confirmed
  14. It’s already been proved...a LONG time ago. no way out of this one, bud, just like there’s no way to fix that lag. Samsung simply didn’t release a patch. They said fuck you, Jerry!
  15. Oh, is he back to RESPONDING to posts now? guess the SKL finally caught up. stick a fork in him, folks.
  16. “just bc ur a fat slob does NOT mean you’re unhealthy!🤬🤬”
  17. Around the same as Samsung desperately trying to get out the Note lite and Galaxy lite. both of which (combined) will sell a fraction of the SE2, just like the 11 vs the s10 and note 10, OUCH...lol!
  18. His new schtick: ignore everything. The facts, the posts, just pretend it NEVER HAPPENED. LOL, he’s so done it’s just....sad, now. He has nothing left other than to lag around this thread and do his best to keep up. it’s just, his best isn’t good enough... not, here.
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