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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. Oh sorry, you’re going to have to prove that one. Otherwise the net has it WELL documented. Until then, well, it’s confirmed.
  2. Notice he didn’t deny it. busted, big time. Your keyboard lag makes it unbearable to post. “If I see a post, I wait until I get on a PC because my keyboard lag makes posting impossible.” WOW, he basically admitted with that one.
  3. I got picked in a Tesla Uber the other day. Lol @ ubering to pay for your Tesla while beating the piss outta it
  4. Yeah probably a way to try and build hype to retain lost users still, I’d like to see the revenue amount lost in this short gap
  5. “Could” is not “is”. LOL but “is” is your phone isn’t even close to any of those, including iPhone. That’s the one that got hurt. LOL
  6. Holy shit, THIS IS WHY JERRY DOESNT POST ON HIS PHONE. something tells me they NEVER released that patch
  7. Sounds like you’re “thumbing away like a 14 year old” then. Must be something with that Samsung web browsing experience that makes you unable to post from your phone. LOL.
  8. He REFUSES to say he sends texts. Guess that means he doesn’t, which means he probably doesn’t use a phone at all. I guess that concludes it, PC is his ONLY way of posting. *jerry checks out Of the thread*
  9. Im smoking a bowl while driving to the store rn. where is jerry? Sittin his fat ass down in his basement posting away on SW, LOL
  10. What website do you send your texts from? or wait, do you thumb “like a 14 year old” to send them? lmao. Bro. It’s over. Your phone is so awful you can’t even type on it, or so you claim.
  11. And yours are getting longer, LOL, you’re obviously getting ...MAD. that text message post really got to him, you can tell. “who cares about Sms when you send no texts”
  12. The only people who voted PC are all virgin hermits. Lmao. Look at the results
  13. Does Jerry even send texts? Well, they’re on Android (SMS only) so probably not. jerry - what website do you send text messages from? LMAO
  14. Did I say the Note 10 sucks, or did you? I don’t even have opinions on soon to be discontinued lines, lol. Not even worth talking about when they struggle to even move a million units. (Has it yet? LOL)
  15. “Thumbing away like a 14 year old” lmfao. This dude is SO out of touch with reality. You realize your boy Gouk posts on his phone 99% if not more on his phone @Goukosan you 14 year old nah, it’s just too hard for Jerry. He must have sausage fingers...LMAO also, sounds like you don’t know how to use a computer. Bu bu it works nowwww ;(
  16. I haven’t had any drift issues luckily enough. Wouldn’t even know it existed If I didn’t browse SW.
  17. Who do I need to convince? Most people use their phones. this is TOO hard for you...LOL https://imgur.com/a/xjcp0Ti that Samsung keyboard must SUCK
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