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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. I took your entire shtick...and used it against you. notice he will talk about ANYTHING other than his own claims now, he’s REALLY lost it. LOOOOOOL!
  2. Take your own advice, LOL he literally can’t even back his way out of his OWN claims, this is great. “COMPLETE”
  3. He can’t address anything he’s claimed, LOL. Full blown panic over in Jerryland.
  4. You claimed: note 10 sucks i have a 5” screen now you’re running from both of your claims, LOL
  5. Is my phone 5” , Jerry? was it last year? or the year before? or the year before? or the year before? or the year before? OR THE YEAR BEFORE? LMAO
  6. You literally think it’s “too hard” to post. Lmao. I’m on my smartphone now and regularly answer you quicker than you answer me. Smartphones (ones that have web browsing) makes posting easy. Hence why most people on this site use phones over computers. edit: it took one minute after your reply to post that. LOL
  7. What happens when you try to turn an already dark website dark?
  8. No point on playing this (On any platform) when BOTW exists.
  9. The question was answered in the poll. MOST people browse via phone, LOL. AGAIN...your phone not being capable doesn’t mean most dont.
  10. Gouk was bragging about being able to play it (on android lol) just a few weeks ago. Don’t let him lie, he’s pumped AF.
  11. So why are you so excited to play it on your Android LMFAO
  12. This fool just brought up HEATH INSURANCE in a thread with no mention of it. he’s SPRINTING away from the poll results, it’s obvious now LOL
  13. What in the flying fuck is he talking about? sorry bro, most people browse by phone. You have a Samsung so it’s obvious as to why you don’t, LOL you don’t even realize how bad you owned yourself there
  14. Wtf is Jerry talking about? Show me when we discussed this? :D it was a simple question and as you can see from the poll, the majority uses their phone. your phone is so trash you don’t even use it to brows the internet? Lol wow
  15. iOS does this with websites. The websites just have to support it.
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