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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. My life declined in many aspects. Social skills, work motivation, working out, etc. I only smoke sativa weed. Anyway started again and my life has dramatically gotten better. crazy how pot (mainly sativa in my experiences) can be the opposite of the stereotype
  2. Me talking about android ASP being insanely cheap and Apple dominating the high end market are they same subject. like I said, you are closed for repairs
  3. No, I shifted from Apple having 47% of the premium marker to Android devices slipping in average starting price. (Who mentioned revenue?) and yes. They’re going to go after the cheap market, aka where Samsung makes their money. (They barely outpacing huewai at premium sales) but they aren’t going AS cheap as Samsung, the SE2 will be 2x the average cost of a Samsung phone (400 vs 200) so if you think Apple is going cheap, not only is that’s Samsungs primary revenue source, but then Samsung is “super budget” as business insiders have already pointed out. Lol. SUPER budget.
  4. To take over Samsungs market too but not only to take it over, to upsell the poor people who buy android gonna get DOUBLE the money that Samsung got from em you get what you pay for
  5. This pays off in the mid- and low-end markets, but the high-end products keep running into the juggernaut that is Apple. /jerry /gouk its over cheap asses
  6. So you’re saying Samsung’s ASP is higher than Apples? are you REALLY saying that? don’t go trying to change the subject now
  7. Before turning its sights to Apple, Samsung competed with, and in many cases bested, Japanese technology companies in the 1980s and 1990s. The company spends a fortune on research and development (R&D) and capital expenditures (CapEx). This pays off in the mid- and low-end markets, but the high-end products keep running into the juggernaut that is Apple. https://www.investopedia.com/articles/markets/110315/samsung-vs-apple-comparing-business-models.asp Each offers their core customer exactly what they want. Faithful iPhone users crave the seamless, perhaps boring ex
  8. Exercise is a small part of losing weight. What you eat will determine how quickly you achieve your goal. look up micros/macros and calculate your weight intake. You could lose that in 2-3 weeks if you wanted to and changed up your diet and added some targeted exercises/cardio. If you go the cardio route, I really encourage using the stair master over the treadmill to shed calories
  9. That’s more or less how I do all workouts now. Form over weight for sure. Not only do I feel a better workout, the muscles respond more.
  10. I actually stopped doing lunges because they kill my soul and I wasn’t seeing benefits. I think my legs shrunk a bit since stopping, may have to start again.
  11. Oh man, if this chart is accurate.. will android be sub $200 on average? WOW, talk about CHEAP! the average android phone is less valuable than a iPhone 6
  12. Looks like I’m sticking to the thread subject, something you’re not. Again, you already told me what we all wanted to hear. Appreciate it, which is why I put it in the thread title for us all to discuss. ive heard your opinion, now I’d like to hear others. I’m willing to bet they agree, Android is indeed for poor people.
  13. They have always outgrown other muscle groups for some reason. I haven’t even worked them out hard in 5 or so years, but they just naturally are bigger I guess. my legs, despite being strong and constantly worked out, never seem to grow smh. Been the same-ish size For 10 years despite getting significantly stronger. Makes no sense lmao
  14. Seems like he can’t stick to the subject. Glad he didn’t disagree (with himself) that Android was for poor people, though.
  15. Current size... been off all supplements since June. Time to start again
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