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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. The effort you put into that post is sad. will PS5 games play any different than PSX games? nope
  2. Can you show me where I did? I have no interest in Doom on anywhere other than Pc
  3. No they won’t. X2 and PS5 will have similar load times as they do now as games get bigger in size. Watch it. and if they are 60fps, the graphics will take a hit especially 1-2 years into the gen and then again it’s just pc hand me downs
  4. Because the games are not natively built for PC, where as most Xbox and PS games are. I not only that, emulation is filled with bugs and crashes. meanwhile most games on ps or Xbox are simply worse than the pc version
  5. Oh I’m pretty sure I’ve heard this since the beginning of time with every new gen. LOL 1. Games will always be 30fps on consoles because again, they are wanna be PCs. PC being the lead will result in PS4/X1 games taking a hit graphically or they will be 30 FPS. 2. There weren’t load times on N64. Both the next Xbox and ps will have similar load times to the current consoles when games are developed for them how do we go thru this every gen?
  6. Why not just own a pc? It’s better than x1 and ps4
  7. Really what’s to argue? PS4 and x1 are near identical and offer nothing unique
  8. Who the fuck cares who is stronger? Really, it’s who is weaker that matters. Whatever of the two will be held back by the competitor, Xbox has no exclusives whatsoever and PS exclusives have been trying to play catch up with Nintendo since 95. Why do these companies invest not first party studios rather than be wanna be PCs for TVs? It’s just lame tbh, and breeds nothing. Xbox one x games play identical to the original Xbox console. PS5 games will play identical to PS1 games.
  9. $400 is above SAMSUNGs ASP. You just admitted Samsung is the McDonald’s of cell phones. Apple is Ruth Chris Samsung just reported a 50%+ profit loss this quarter, I don’t think the cheapo strategy is working
  10. Profits the most in the smartphone industry, now gonna profit even MORE. Win win baby. 400$ is higher than Samsung’s ASP lmao, that’s what’s really funny.
  11. Premium phones are what I own, so it’s ALL that matters. especially when Apple profits the most jerry just keeps repeating himself, LOL imagine buying a non premium phone... from Samsung
  12. Sorry - Apple dominates the high end market. I only buy high end phones. I know you and Gouk like your cheap phones, but not me. And Apple DOMINATES high end phones.
  13. 47% of the premium phone market, a market your phone was in when it came out not anymore tho you can’t pick and choose either, so it looks like your next phone will be sub $400
  14. The SE isn’t in the premium market, different markets homie. however, when it comes to premium devices Apple is nearly 2x Samsung. Wow
  15. no, it’s like saying that Apple dominates the high end cell phone market. Which is true, lol. considering Apple doesn’t release phones for under 400, they are perfectly where they want to be. it would be like Samsung bragging about how they outsold Sony Bc they they sold a shit ton of 19” 480p TVs for $49.99 compared to Sony selling only $1000 4K tvs LOL cop that 19” bro
  16. Lmao, I just proved you wrong and you threw a temper tantrum. Apple accounts for nearly 50% of the global market share of phones with a higher ASP than $400. That’s gotta hurt. No wonder Samsung doesn’t support their high end devices well, their business is low end Android phones.
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