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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. well, I do think if anyone is successful in the category it will be apple. I just think VR sucks. But apple has a better chance at succeeding because it’s not attempting to making a gaming headset but rather productivity. Vr will always be 2-3 gens behind when it comes to gaming, and that will never be good enough for me. Productivity tho… if I can eliminate my 4 monitors in my office for one headset… that sounds great. maybe in 5 years or so. The cost has to be 2k or less as well.
  2. It was never 700k they’ve actually INCREASED their shipments https://wire19.com/prediction-on-apple-vision-pro-shipment-in-first-year-of-launch/ you could also buy 7 PSVR2s for the cost of the Vision Pro
  3. You’re not downloading it tho. because you’ve played probably thousands of hours of it, all via your gamepass sub.
  4. lmfao why did you openly make yourself look like a retard? Literally one post up proves you wrong so desperate for an own on me you didn’t even get to post 3 of the thread
  5. No one thought this would be the next big thing. Few gen’s away at least, if ever, vr sucks
  6. Cows are literally bragging about a Xbox one game being ported to ps5 and spending full price to play it it’s a f2p style game… that they’re happily paying money for, lmfao.
  7. I played this game in like 2016 lol it was an open beta for years.
  8. It will change your life forever when you take them in a good way though, it allows you to think in a different perspective never had a bad trip tho or never even “forgot” that I took a drug. I was still in control for the most part… outside of those fucking laughing fits
  9. “No u r!!!1” such a sad, pathetic life you live that you have to constantly lie
  10. I’ve done acid and shrooms a few times each. Fun times but take way too long to wear off, better have a clear day ahead of you
  11. Why is vin desiel in a game about dinosaurs
  12. Yeah where’s this from? I’ve never even heard of a few of those.
  13. I heard it’s getting a 60fps patch next week so I’ll wait for that. I did download 76 as it’s multiplayer
  14. Never played the games, but maybe I will now. Episode one was good. how close is it to the games? Assuming this is fallout 1’s story?
  15. I find most mainstream websites are fine but yeah there’s an occasional site stuck in 2003
  16. Honestly, I’d support annual hardware refreshes much like cell phones. Then support phases out after x amount of years. But yeah, this thing in general is pointless
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