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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. Sounds like @kokujin wants to play ocean horn 2, which is reviewing much better than the android version of stardew. Kok, I’d try looking on the marketplace for a iPhone 7 or something. Can prob get it cheap and can finally access superior apps on iOS!
  2. iPhones just got another sale. Notes did not. You have now posted the same pic 5+ times. it’s very clear that you’re furious, LOL
  3. He doesn’t have an iPhone. But I don’t think he wants to play a port of an iOS game with no multiplayer, do you @kokujin? check it out if so, tho it’s 3+ years old at this point. only one game you can recommend him Jerry?
  4. You don’t want to give him any recommendations for the new great android arcade?
  5. I have this dude arguing for a phone he doesn’t even own.. my god, I have dominated him so badly. I feel bad for him and his lil Note 7 lol..” what do you mean you won’t accept this as a trade in?”
  6. He said he wasn’t interested in the Note, no matter how cheap they’d give it to him. LOL you’re so desperate. I LOVE this. 😂😂😂😂
  7. You can play the first one, not the second. Ask @jehurey about the new android package tho, you can play games from 2012 for free now. LOL
  8. He bought a iPhone over the Note. you lost, and just called him smart for buying something with resell value vs something that doesn’t. LMAO
  9. Funny, Jerry also thinks iMessage is worse than sms, the camera is awful, and apps are worse on ios LOL he actually thinks those things
  10. Damn @jehurey basically saying they could have offered it for Free and he would noped that shit. must be what most of the world thinks, considering it’s barely over a million units in almost two months... LOL
  11. $350 for the note seems about right. Maybe a bit over priced, but I’m surprised it’s selling so badly being sold at such a discount. Wow!
  12. “they said they could give me a much larger purchase credit for the note 10. but i said i wasn't interested” word from GOD
  13. LMFAO Jerry legit got curbstomped by this post. And this my friends, is why there will be no note 11. Shit just doesn’t sell
  14. Nope, 100% ad and microtransactions free!
  15. Jerry isn’t used to getting any trade in value for his old phone. His note 7 has about a $15 trade in value at this point, lol.
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