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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. That’s one hot take you got there, LOL. Have fun with Gears 5, I would have thought you would have jumped on the Play Pass like Jerry, you’d get iOS ports of 3+ Years for FREE!
  2. I’m sure they’re just FURIOUS they can’t play gears 5 streamed to their phones... oh wait, they haven’t even bought it themselves this is the SADDEST I’ve seen you Gouk, a new low LMAO
  3. Spooked Gouk has been desperate to play Gears 5 LMAO... you can’t even make this up. Remember this post next time he makes a thread bashing Gears or Sea of Theives. Lmao it’s those two and Halo 5, @Goukosan which are you MOST excited to play?
  4. Are you bragging about being able to play Xbox games? @DynamiteCop! @JONBpc he has been a lemming this whole time... lmao, he’s this excited about being able to sign up....SIGN UP
  5. Sorry, but display mate, battery tests and durability all lead to a big fat NOPE on that one. and DEFINITELY not your note 7... LMAO
  6. Okay sayonara is pretty great, and so is grindstone. This whole Arcade is fucking great.
  7. Jerry going off topic again, he’s done for LMAO back to that note 7.. wait, you don’t even use it because it’s so bad 😂😂 lookin all hunched over on that desktop man am I glad I have the best phone out there
  8. LMAO. It is SAD, championing products he doesn’t even own. It’s like a lemming with Xbox 360 bragging about the X1X’s power... LMAO
  9. Not interested in copycat tests. Square trade is the standard, sorry kiddo. you even posted an article saying the iPhone is EVEN stronger than I did, LOL not that you know, have a note 10 LMAO... here he goes again @JONBpc
  10. 7 drops from ELEVEN FEET on concrete DIDNT even break the glass, WOW. Tougher than even I thought, thanks for contributing Jerry! 😍😍😍😍😍
  11. UP: Most durable smartphone ever too.. this is TOO good first smartphone to EVER make it thru the full test 😍😍😍😍
  12. Best display, best battery, is camera next? @Carlos Vela another victory ... lol Samsung isn’t even in second ... OR third LMAO!
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