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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. Are you playing with a controller or touch?
  2. We’ve been down this road. Google is offering half decade old games, that are available already on iOS, and Apple is offering exclusive games AND the games that will be available on Pay Pass. You sound like a lemming, Jerry. Maybe you and @DynamiteCop! have more I’m common than you thought. and yes, I post exclusively on my cell phone. Not on a desktop LOL
  3. Super impossible road is fucking great! There are many like it on the App Store, but none feature real multiplayer... just fake bots. Give it a try!!!
  4. Has anyone played ocean horn yet? It’s such a rip off I’m afraid to, but it has great reviews. https://www.gamingboulevard.com/2019/09/review-oceanhorn-2-knights-lost-realm-apple-arcade/ I’m hoping some big name sites, ign or verge gets an Apple Arcade section so we can get some Credible reviews for these games.
  5. But that’s not just all Jerry. We’re also getting Apple TV+, exclusive movies and shows with the best talent found. bet youre going to pay for it ...jk... torrent lmao ill have it for free at the ease of my fingertips
  6. Apple does it too, hundreds of free games and apps per day. They just don’t charge for it. Apple Arcade however, are games not offered elsewhere (including to people with iPhones without Apple Arcade)
  7. Holy shit, Google releases 100+ titles for free EVERY DAY. They are LITERALLY charging for a FREE feature....OMG 😂😂😂😂 you even get to KEEP them after!
  8. The best part about Googles program is that they regularly have 15-30 titles free every day. Now they’re just charging people to do it, lmao.
  9. We both know Apple and Nintendo share the same seal of excellence. Shit -tier level troll, like google’s offerings for the play service. Have fun scrapping the bottom of the barrel of mobile apps.
  10. Full price... $1.99 ...lmfao @JONBpc hes bragging about getting games from 2014 that cost like 1-5$ for free at this point LMAO bro they are OLD games, OLD apps, shit from 5+ years ago. What do you want on there??? You haven’t named one quality app on the entire service except a game that is years old that no one gives any fucks about 😂😂
  11. There’s an entire thread on this site dedicated to answering your question. 🥳 Like I said bro, enjoy your games from 2014. The rest of us will have exclusive access to top of the line games on mobile. while you know, we already have your entire lineup available as well. 😉
  12. 50% battery after being off charger since 8 am. Not bad Apple, not bad at all. 740 pm now. I was expecting lower as I had no WiFi on today and sprint sucks. A friend with AT&T and similar usage today is still at 65. Pretty wild.
  13. He doesn’t even use his phone to post. He one time laughed at me and called me stupid for using a phone to post on SW. shows how truly awful his phone is. Lol jerry sits at a desktop legit all day.
  14. 10 day free trial tho 😂😂😂😂. This shit is perfect for Jerry tho, not one new or exclusive app or game. He wants to be on iOS so badly, at least now he can play some of the games most of us played a half a decade ago. the craziest thing is, I like android too lol. Jerry doesn’t, and you can tell, because he doesn’t even talk about why he likes it, lol just that displays and batteries don’t matter anymore. I wanna see if he can hold onto that note 7 for 5 more years. I bet he does.
  15. Luckily google play pass is $2 a month for the first year, he can now play games that were available on the iPhone 3GS lmao
  16. Lol. Have fun with your games from 2014, bro. the real ones will be playing Apple Arcade. 😍 btw... the iPhone 11 has already outsold the note 10.😂😂😂😂
  17. The really nice thing able Apple Arcade is it works across the whole ecosystem. Meaning I can get these games on iphone, iPad, or Apple TV. Progressions syncs as well. no one owns an android tablet, and if you do, these apps likely aren’t even on it. I doubt any of them support android tv or whatever that equivalent is. lastly google will simply remove titles as they see fit. Bout the service for something specific? Better Hope it’s still there next month, lol.
  18. It’s worth it. There is a bit of future proofing to it, the phone will be fine for 3-4 years. Battery may be an issue down the road, but generally Apple has promos to give batteries away next to nothing every year or two. i
  19. The vast majority. but, you don’t need to take my word for it. Just read some reviews. 😉 https://www.tomsguide.com/reviews/apple-arcade
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