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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. Well, best in the world for mobile display. Not sure what’s so 2014 about that. but those games, yikes. Failed hard there LOL, google play pass... how to get 5+ year old games for cheap. Lmao.
  2. Too bad you’re stuck on lollipop with your note 7...LOL name a single game on that lil sub, lol, 3+ year old games meanwhile all of apples games are new and exclusive. Sorry andork 😂
  3. I think the main take away (from my experience) is that the gameplay is just much better than typical mobile games as there is 0 p2w games on it
  4. Yeah so far it’s pretty great. It would be like if MS removed microtransactions from gamepass. Will never happen, but it’s nice. It’s almost like going back to OG gaming. it’s a great idea, especially for core gamers, to remove the microtransactions all together. they are still mobile games, so I mean that’s that, but it’s def a step in the right direction and some truly great/fun/unique games
  5. Yikes @jehurey looks like your note 7 will never get Android 10. Stuck on lollipop forever, LOL might as well grab a note 10. It has been out for almost two months and the iPhone 11 outsold it within 20 minutes of being released. Lmao. Hopefully you’ll get android 11 with it, but based on how few people are buying it, I wouldn’t expect it. there is even talk about Samsung merging the note and galaxy lines due to completely embarrassing sales. Prob a smart move.
  6. Not really. I pay ~45 a month for sprints pro Max. Then 55 for the plan. After 12 months of owning I’ve paid under $600 yearly for the newest model. If I brought my own device, I’d still pay 55 a month for my plan.
  7. Wait a sec.. the gs10 and note 10 have the SAME latency as the note 2... WOW. This means they have more touch lag than the ORIGINAL iPhone... no wonder why they sell SO badly... 😂
  8. I don’t think anyone on SW wants a Lite. Hopefully we get a Pro next holiday season or this spring.
  9. Best display EVER. Yikes, can’t wait to see Jerry and Gouk dismiss this one... but who cares about screens! http://www.displaymate.com/iPhone_11Pro_ShootOut_1P.htm
  10. AA will turn into an Indy fan’s paradise for sure. Interested to see what we get in the coming months.
  11. The damage control in this thread. The greatest phone of ALL time. Gouk and Jerry running every angle they can get... except they have none!
  12. I have had Ocean Horn 2 downloaded for a bit now, but I haven’t opened it yet. The floor is Lava game is pretty dope actually, but so far my favorite is What the Golf.
  13. The same ole shit from Android losers. You still rely on SMS homie, talk about stuck in 2012. Not like you use the messaging app, you’re depressed with no friends. 😂
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