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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. Speaking of @Goukosan, he’s in quite the roll today. Claimed ARCore for Android was out in 2017, and not only that, it supported occlusion back then. It still doesn’t today. Couple that with thinking WWDC is a consumer event.. and eek. @jehurey @Remij hope you two learned a valuable lesson today. Gouk is clearly not to be sided with.
  2. No, you just said it was a consumer event and that the product isn’t aimed for professionals. Which it is. Take the L and move along. @Goukosan already ghostzed the thread, now do the same.
  3. Y’all are some special ones. The Apple Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC, also known as Dub Dub)is a conference held annually by Apple Inc. in San Jose, California. Apple uses the event to showcase its new software and technologies for software developers. Attendees can participate in hands-on labs with Apple engineers and attend in-depth sessions covering a wide variety of topics.
  4. WWDC is a developers conference you moron, it is literally is the title.
  5. I do not want nor need a computer, so no, I don’t want this. Are you ready to show me how ARCore handled occlusion 2 years ago?
  6. Do you buy things you don’t want? 😐
  7. The new $6,000 Mac Pro, $5,000 Pro Display XDR, and $1,000 Pro Stand aren’t really meant for normal people or even a talented home artist. They are intended for super high-end design firms and animation studios with massive equipment budgets to throw around.
  8. I haven’t bought a computer in half a decade and don’t plan on really ever buying one again.
  9. Obviously this wasn’t made for peasants. It’s for millionaires or companies.
  10. Honestly, I thought the game was trash. But would be really big third party news.
  11. Lmfao. Shit I hear every year. Every December, those same people are bitching about how it’s the same game. Greatest yearly tradition in modern gaming
  12. What was the dead dragon breathing? I thought it was ice before, but it looked exactly like fire.. just blue, but there were no blue flames on the ground? Nothing was frozen?
  13. I don’t know much about this shit, but what are the downsides? Why was it not like this at launch? Is it this highest it can be boosted?
  14. I never thought PBR was that bad. Just didn’t want to be a hipster.
  15. Why wouldn’t it be free? What are they offering? Gamepass would cost money, as would games if they offered them.. but lol bro no one is paying for messaging.
  16. Lol @ complaining of fan service and moments for fanboys while seeing the movie the night of the premier and then comparing it to the FaNtAsTiC quality of the first one.
  17. You can do this for I believe up to a week with their used game policy. Back in the n64 days I had like a 8 month streak where I returned a used game once a week. Lol
  18. Fantastic animation if nothing else
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