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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. Cup winners 2 out of 4 years, I’ll take it
  2. The cost of another...that is unborn and would affect the life of a LIVING person. I will side with the already born person every time. You cant be for abortion in the case of rape but against it for someone who simply doesn’t want a child. It’s the same thing. You’re “murdering”.
  3. It is better than anything on ANY system.
  4. What happens here? Woman doesn’t want a child, tells man, is doing it doggy, and he rips it off mid way?
  5. Still am fully onboard with this hot take.
  6. But who cares if they are being lazy? Let them live their life. Their decision. That’s all imo. None of my business. It does get more tricky when a parent wants the other, but sometimes that’s just the case
  7. I agree with this and am all for advocating people not getting abortions. But to say you CANT? I find that crazy
  8. The only way it would be fair to force women (still wouldn’t be fair) is to treat fathers that don’t pay child support the same way as women who got abortions. (Aka charged with murder) obviously NEITHER are fair should you get an abortion or refuse to support a child as a man? No! Millions of men get out of paying child support. These men are attempting murder?
  9. How do you kill something unborn? i see your point and respect it, I just want to know why you think you feel you have the right to tell others what to do with their body over something you’ve never seen, met, know anything about, something that has never took a breath of their own air
  10. These games are bizarre to me. Why limit it to one mode? Fortnite eventually opened it up, but why so limited on release? How hard to release a 50 v 50 mode or shit like capture the flag? people like the game, it’s just..... the exact same thing over and over is boring.
  11. You can’t tell people what to do with their own bodies. Case closed. Abortion will occur NO matter what when the mother wants it. Its simply none of your business. That’s it. Sorry.
  12. ....and chance are if I wanted one, I’d still go ahead and get one.
  13. Not saying I WOULD abort a child if I was a woman, but umm... I would have the right. If you told me not to, I’d just find another way. Pretty obvious.
  14. My sole reasoning is it’s not my body. That’s it. Nothing else. No one on earth will tell me what to do with MY body, so I’m not going to tell others. Simple as that. Has nothing to do with human life or any of that, just.....not my choice to make for someone.
  15. The difference is it is not born. Pretty clear to me.
  16. What level are you at now? Haven’t played since we last spoke. I have been playing clash royale for years, though.
  17. My real opinion on it is : WHO gives a fuck! It’s the woman’s body. It’s simply their choice. That’s the end, no if ands or butts. I support abortion up until the actual birth.
  18. Would it be harder? Is it necessary at all to force someone they don’t want to do against their will for 9 months?
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