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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. You are allowed to disclose the reason for the case, it’s public knowledge if I look it up
  2. what did you do? and they know they will never get close to that amount so don’t sweat the high figure
  3. More speaking on animations and overall fluidity ..but graphically? No not even close
  4. outside of res, modern gaming hasn’t fully caught up to that trailer in many ways yet
  5. Why did you not just say this🤬 but when did you enable them? Thanks 🙌🏼🙌🏼👏🏻
  6. Disclosing budgets is bad. All it doesn’t is build hype. Biggest budget? Well, now i has to live up to the GOAT game. And well.. it’s halo, and 343, and will probably be the worst in the series.
  7. In a sea of jims, stand out.
  8. Hey that worked. Wonder if others see brown boxes. Wel if so, expect to see brown boxes moving forward @Cookester15 😂😂😂😂😂
  9. There are like 500. And yes, some are very useful..more importantly, mordern.
  10. Being an out of date forum isn’t good. Enable Unicode support. This means you can use emojis from android/iOS on this site.
  11. That’s all fortnite and the bunch are. Crazy. Who gives a fuck what your character looks like? I’ve never looked at an enemy player while shooting them ..generally wouldn’t notice anything unless their player was on fire or something
  12. I’ll tell a story and this is why I don’t fall into that trap. Like 10 years ago there was this game on Facebook that was a basically a f2p set up made for you to buy things to avoid timers. Anyway I found a glitch in the URL that allowed for infinite money. I did this glitch for like 5 hours and had million upon millions of gems. Used them all. Prob would have cost 20k minimum if I paid. I got like 4 levels higher. That’s it. The game was still more or less the same, except now I saw no value in wasting my time and I realized having all of that wasn’t re
  13. Any whales here? Lol I don’t think I’ve ever spent $$ on a F2P game unless it was like DLC or something.
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